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Thursday, September 29

Section 1: You should complete the lab that you started today in class with Ms. McCann. It is due next class. Also, you should also complete the Chapter 2 Review sheet you received in class on Wednesday. Use your notes and the Chapter 2 powerpoint to complete all your assignments.

Section 2: You should complete the Chapter 2 Review sheet and use your notes and the powerpoint to study the chapter material. Come to class on Monday with any lingering questions about the chapter. You should be prepared to take a quiz on the material.

Friday, September 23

Section 1: In your textbook, read pages 29-31 and then answer the 'Section Review' questions #1-5.

All: Check this out!!:

Thursday, September 22

Section 1: Follow the instructions below about the Quia homework, posted yesterday for Section 1.

Section 2: In your textbook, read pages 29-31 and then answer the 'Section Review' questions #1-5.

Wednesday, September 21

Section 1: Study your lab equipment from today's handout. You will have a quiz on it tomorrow.

Section 2: Your assignment it up on Quia. It is titled " Homework: The Metric System and Measurement". You must complete it by 8:30 am tomorrow to receive credit. YOU WILL ONLY HAVE 25 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT FROM THE TIME YOU START. Have your notes out while working on the assignment - they will be a big help!

Tuesday, September 20

All Sections: Work on your science fair project. You should have a project idea/testable question by Friday. Check out the Xavier webpage for a powerpoint to help steer you in the right direction. You should be working with a partner that is in one of my sections.

Monday, September 19

Section 1: Study your notes and homeworks for tomorrow's chapter 1 quiz. Also, check out the science fair research project powerpoint.

Weekend of September 16-18

Section 2: Study your lab equipment from the packet you received in class on Friday

Wednesday, September 14

Section 1: Use the powerpoint at the bottom of the page to finish color coding your periodic table. Also, complete the worksheet titled "Chapter 1 Periodic Table Homework", which can be found to the left, under the heading "Homework Documents".

Section 2: Use the powerpoint at the bottom of the page to finish color coding your periodic table. Also, finish your Adopt an Element assignment (due tomorrow).

Tuesday, September 13

Section 1: Complete your Adopt an Element assignment

Section 2: Check your email for instructions on the Adopt an Element assignment. If you did not receive an email from me, email me right away.

Homework for all students, Monday, September 12


The link below will lead you to a doc file called "Chapter 1_homework1". You may print out the handout and complete the questions on it or use a piece of loose leaf paper from your notebook (nothing else should be on this page so that you can hand it in). You will need to use your notes from class today in order to complete the worksheet.


Welcome to Chemistry!

This website is going to be an important part of our class this year. You should check it EVERYDAY. Here you will be able to find homework assignments, study tools, class notes, important links and more.

Your first 'assignment' is to fill out a survey on The link to your Quia Class Page (based on your section) will always be on the top, left hand corner of the blog homepage. You will use the username and password given to you in class to complete the survey by Monday, September 12th.

I look forward to a fun, productive and dynamic year with all of you!