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For Tuesday, November 1

Section 2: You should complete the 'percentage comp' homework found under 'Homework Documents', as well as, put this equation in your notebook with your notes on percent yield:

Thursday, October 27

Section 1: You can find the percent composition homework document in the 'Homework Documents' section.

Section 2: Don't forget your colored ties (red, blue, green or black), as well as, your Element, Compounds and Mixtures lab for class tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 26

Section 1: Bring in a bandana, tie or piece of fabric (large enough to tie around your head) in any of the following colors: blue, red or green. You MAY NOT use the tie you are wearing around your neck for dress code. Your items will not be damaged.

Tuesday, October 25

All Sections: Use your notes, the powerpoint and your textbook to study your mole calculations.

Section 2: Make sure you have today's lab with you in class on Thursday!!

Thursday, October 20

Section 1: Complete problems #17, 18, 21, 22 (all parts) on page 89-90 of your textbook by Monday. Also, work on your SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT!!

Section 2: Complete problems #15-18 (all parts) on page 89 of your textbook by Monday. Also, work on your SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT!! (make sure you picked up your proposal in the HMO)

Wednesday, October 19

Section 1: Complete the packet from class and problem #23 (all parts) on page 90 of your textbook.

Section 2: Complete questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 from the worksheet handed out today in class. 

Tuesday, October 18

Section 1: Complete question 5 (all parts) on the back of the Mole Calculations worksheet that we've been using in class. Show all work in your notebook.

Monday, October 17th

All Sections: Complete the following questions on a piece of looseleaf using your Chapter 3 notes and your textbook (if needed). **Remember 'representative particles' can mean many different things!**
Due tomorrow in class. 

1.  How many atoms does 2.0 moles of He represent?
2.  How many sodium ions are in 3.0 moles of NaCl?
3.  How many molecules are in 0.25 moles of CH4?
4.  How many total atoms are in 1.0 moles of H2O ?
5.  How many moles of water does 6.02 x 1023 molecules represent?
6.  Convert 3.01 x 1023 molecules of C2H6 to moles.
7.  How many moles of glucose does 1.2 x 1024 molecules represent?
8.  How many moles of CaCl2 does 2.41 x 1024 formula units represent?

Thursday, October 13

Section 1: Complete the Science Fair Project proposal form, which can be found in the 'Homework' column. Due tomorrow in class.

Section 2: Using your notes from today, complete the following problems in your notebook:

1) Find the molar masses of the following compounds:
        a. Ca(OH)2     b. Na3PO4     c. AgF
2) How many moles are in 1.77 x 1028 atoms of Cu?
3) How many atoms are in 0.775 mole of K?

Tuesday, October 11

Section 1: Finish the questions for Activities 1 & 2 of the Atomic Theory Lab. ALSO, check your email for Science Fair Project info.

Section 2: Complete the "Sig Digs Worksheet" found in the 'Homework' section AND complete the Science Fair Project proposal given out in class today.

Thursday, October 6

Section 1: Using the information provided in Chapter 3, Section 3, answer questions 1-3 on page 87 in your textbook. Write the answers neatly IN YOUR NOTEBOOK (BINDER). Due next class.

Wednesday, October 5

Section 2: Complete the questions in the lab packet for Activities 1 and 2; due next class.

Tuesday, October 4

All Sections (including students who missed class): Your homework tonight is on Quia. It is titled 'Chapter 3, Section 1 Homework". You will need to use your textbook to complete the assignment. You may do the assignment twice.

**Students who missed class today, the powerpoint for this chapter can be found at the bottom of the page. Please consult with a classmate to find out how far along we got it today's notes. You should have all of the notes in your notebook by tomorrow.

Monday, October 3

All Sections: There is a survey on your Quia Class Page titled 'Quia Quiz Feedback'. It should only take you a few minutes to complete and it is your only homework for tonight. I required you to enter your names so that I can give you credit for completing the assignment. You DO NOT need to log in to complete the survey. Please don't hold back with your comments because your name is attached - I want the Quia quizzes to be a useful tool for us in class!

**If you will be missing class tomorrow - please make sure to talk to a classmate and check the website so that you do not fall behind with your work. If you are having trouble focusing on the work or completing the assignments, please come speak to me.