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Monday, December 19

All: Complete your Lewis Electron Dot lab (Section 2, make sure to do your dot structures in PENCIL)

Friday, December 16

All Sections: Read Chapter 6, Section 2 of your textbook. Answer questions 1-5 on page 189 in your notebook.

Thursday, December 15

Section 1: Complete your lab, using the following link:

Also, complete the oxidation state/ionic formula writing worksheet given out in class. For extra practice, write the ionic formulas of the following compound in your notebook:

Silver nitrate                                 
Aluminum sulfide
Copper(II) chlorite
Potassium phosphate
Tin(IV) iodide

Tuesday, December 13

Section 2: Read pg. 175- 177 in your textbook and answer Section Review questions 1-6 in your notebook.

Monday, December 12

Section 1: Read pg. 175- 177 in your textbook and answer Section Review questions 1-6 in your notebook.

Section 2: Complete Pre-Lab assignment using the background info from the lab that was given out today in class.

Wednesday, December 7

All: Complete the worksheet found under 'Homework' titled 'Periodic Trends Homework'.

Enjoy your day off!

Tuesday, December 6

Section 1: Complete the following problems in your notebook (use your textbook):
1) Define the following:
a. atomic radii      b. first ionization energy    c. electron affinity    d. ionic radii    e. electronegativity

2) For each of the terms in #1, state the general period and group trends among the main group elements

3) In general, how do the periodic properties of the d-block elements compare with those of the main group elements? Explain.

All: Rock a bow tie tomorrow for a point back on your Chapter 4 Test!

Monday, December 5

Section 2: Complete the following problems in your notebook (use your textbook):
1) Define the following:
a. atomic radii      b. first ionization energy    c. electron affinity    d. ionic radii    e. electronegativity

2) For each of the terms in #1, state the general period and group trends among the main group elements

3) In general, how do the periodic properties of the d-block elements compare with those of the main group elements? Explain.

Thursday, December 1

Section 1: Check your email

Section 2: Complete the Electron Configuration worksheet given out in class today