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Tuesday, January 31

Section 1: Log on to your Edline page (the way you would to view your report card). You can navigate to your chemistry homepage. There you will see under Calendar there are 5 discussion boards (one for each type of reaction assigned). More instructions can be found when you click on your group's page. Use the addition of comments as a forum for discussing your group's presentation for tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 25

All: Check your email

Tuesday, January 24

Section 1: Complete the following problems in your notebook: textbook pg. 290 # 8, 11, 12, 15

Section 2: Use Ch. 8, Section 1 to complete the worksheet handed out in class today (don't forget to use pencil on the back!)

Friday, January 20

Section 1: In your notebook complete the following problems (your textbook is a good resource for completing this assignment):

1) Explain what is meant by sp3 hybridization.

2) Determining the molecular geometry (VSEPR theory) of the following molecules:
     a) SF6
     b) BrF3
     c) SeO2
     d) SCl6

3) Define these terms:
     b) intermolecular force
     c) hydrogen bonding
     d) London dispersion forces

Thursday, January 19

Section 2: Gents - sorry for the delay. Homework tonight is the worksheet on the video from class, as well as, determining the molecular geometry (VSEPR theory) of the following molecules in your notebook:

SF6, BrF3, SeO2 and SCl6

Tuesday, January 17

All: The second part of your science fair project must be submitted to turnitin by midnight tomorrow night.

Midterm Review

Powerpoints that you may want to use to study can be found here:

Also, the section review questions and end of the chapter questions in your textbook are very useful study guides!

The midterm review packet answers have been emailed to you.

Don't wait until the last minute to study - it's too much content!! Try to study 20-30 minutes everyday of this week to maximize success!

Happy studying gents!

Friday, January 6


I'm sorry about my absence today. Extra materials will go up today and over the weekend to help you study for the midterm. I will be available to you for extra help/review on MONDAY after exams are completed in room 3K3.

*As far as the extra credit session is concerned - you may email me your thoughts on the articles, or, you may come discuss the topic with me Monday after exams. Either way, I will award you the extra credit points.

Last, I will be in the cafeteria Friday morning from 8-9 if you have any last minute questions. Of course, if questions come up throughout the week as you study, please feel free to email me.

Contemporary Issues Discussion - Friday, 6th @ 7:45 am

There will be a contemporary science issues discussion for extra credit tomorrow morning in 3K3. Articles have been posted at the bottom of the page - the topic is climate change. Do not come to the discussion unprepared.

Thursday, January 5

Section 1: Don't forget to email me tonight 2 QUALITY multiple choice or short answer midterm review questions that YOU have made up (not ones you found on Google - I will check).

Section 2: Complete the midterm review packet.

Tuesday, January 3

Welcome back y'all!

Section 2: Don't forget to email me tonight 2 QUALITY multiple choice or short answer midterm review questions that YOU have made up (not ones you found on Google - I will check). Also, make sure you have pages 2-4 of the midterm review packet complete for next class.