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Tuesday, February 28

All: Study! Here are some extra stoich problems for you to study from.  I'll be in 3K3 tomorrow morning.

1)      Hydrogen and oxygen react under a specific set of conditions to produce water:

      2H2  +  O2   -------->   2H2O

            a) How many moles of hydrogen would be required to produce 15.0 mol water?
            b) How many grams of oxygen would be required to do the same?

2)      If 4.50 mol of ethane, C2H6, undergo combustion according to the following:

  C2H6  +     O2   --------->     CO2  +     H2O

            a) How many moles of oxygen are required?
            b) What mass (in grams) of each product is produced?

Answers: 1a) 15.0 mol hydrogen, 1b)  240 g oxygen, 2a) 15.8 mol oxygen, 2b) 396 g carbon dioxide and 243 g of water.

Monday, February 27

All: Discussion questions can be found under 'Homework Documents'

Thursday, February 16

All: Complete your stoichiometry worksheet

Wednesday, February 15

Section 1: From today's worksheet complete #1c, 3 all parts and 4 all parts.
Check this out! It's the problem that we started today in class:

Tuesday, February 14

Section 2: From today's worksheet complete #1c, 3 all parts and 4 all parts.

Thursday, February 9

All: Complete the post-lab questions (exclude #1 & 7). Typing them would be ideal, but I will except NEAT hand written answers. This will take some time - give thoughtful answers that apply to YOUR experimental data! Use your textbook and the videos I posted on Le Chatelier's Principle as resources. 15 minutes WILL NOT be enough time to spend on this homework; don't cheat yourself - do great work!

Tuesday, February 7

Section 1: The instructions for Section 2 posted yesterday now also apply to you. See below.

Monday, February 6

Juniors received a lab manual in class today, which can be found for viewing under 'Homework Documents'. Seniors DO NOT need to print the manual out, a paper copy will be provided in class on Wednesday. 
ALL STUDENTS should read the background information and procedure - you will have limited time to complete the lab, so it is essential that you are familiar with the content and procedure. Extra time will not be allotted due to lack of preparation.
ALL STUDENTS will complete the pre-lab assignment, which should be typed and printed out, to be handed in on Wednesday at the beginning of class.

The following videos will help you understand the concepts of dynamic equilibrium and Le Chatelier's principle; and of course, your textbook is a valuable resource to help in your understanding,
Dynamic Equilibrium
Dynamic Equilibrium 2
Le Chatelier's Principle

Go Big Blue

No homework

Thursday, February 3

All: Complete the worksheet for homework tonight. I will email you the answer key to help you study. Come see me in the morning if you have questions.

Wednesday, February 1

All: In your notebook, balance the following equations and label them with the type of reaction:

1)____ NaBr + ____ H3PO4 ____ Na3PO4 + ____ HBr
2) ____ Mg + ____ Fe2O3 ____ Fe + ____ MgO
3) ____ H2O + ____ SO3  ____ H2SO4
4) ____ C2H4 + ____ O2 ____ CO2 + ____ H2O
5)____ Ca(OH)2 + ____ Al2(SO4)3 ____ CaSO4 + ____ Al(OH)3
6)____Zn + ____ S8 ____ ZnS

For each of the following, complete and balance the reaction based on your knowledge of reaction types:
7) Zn + Pb(NO3)2
8) Mg(NO3)2 (aq) + KOH
9) CH4 + O2
10) CuCl2 + heat

**You may need this: Activity Series of Metals