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Thursday, May 31

Section 1: Use this image to fill in tables #23 and 24 in your packet. Then answer questions 25 and 26:

Section 2: Complete #14,15, 18-22, 25 & 26 in your packet.

Wednesday, May 30

Section 1: Complete problems 14, 15, 18-22 in your O-Chem packet.

Section 2:
Draw these:  2-ethyl-1-pentene,  2,3-dimethyl-2-butene

Name these:

Tuesday, May 29

Section 1:
Draw these:  2-ethyl-1-pentene,  2,3-dimethyl-2-butene

Name these:

Thursday, May 24

All: At the bottom of this page, you will find a hydrocarbon naming powerpoint. By Tuesday, ALL of the notes from that powerpoint should be in your notebook. There are 6 hydrocarbons on the last two slides that you should draw and name in your notebook (one of them is done for you as an example). Feel free to use your textbook to help you. Also, in your organic chemistry packet, answer the two questions on defining and describing isomers, both structural and geometric.

Enjoy your long weekend!

Wednesday, May 23

Section 1: Here are the rules for writing the molecular formulas to fill in for number 2:
Alkanes: CnH2n+2
Alkenes: CnH2n
Alkynes: CnH2n-2

Next you should look up the prefixes (Table 3 on page 718 in your textbook).

Finally you should try to fill in charts 4,5 and 6. Here are some answer to get you started:

2 Carbons - Ethane (C2H6), Ethene (C2H4), Ethyne (C2H2)
3 Carbons - Propane (C3H8)...

Section 2: Complete #5 & 6 in the Organic Chemistry packet

Tuesday, May 22

All: Complete the worksheets we started in class today

Wednesday, May 16

All: Complete your pH take home test for Friday. If you missed class today, you can get a take home test on the door of 3K3.

Monday, May 14

Section 1: Complete Acid - Base post lab questions. If you did not complete a section you may get DATA from another group - all analysis should be unique for every student! You can skip questions12, 16 and 19 of the post-lab, we will go over them in class.

Friday, May 11

All: Finish the worksheet I handed out in class today.

**If you missed class today, you must come to a make-up session Monday morning at 7:40am in room 3K3 - see you there!**

Thursday, May 10

Section 1: Complete #1-7 on the worksheet given out in class today.

Wednesday, May 9

Section 2: Complete all post-lab questions; due next class.

Monday, May 7

Juniors: Thanks for your great debate today!
For next Monday, do some research on 'designer babies' (I have included a link below to get you started). Then, type a one page reaction paper, addressing the following:

  • Do you believe it to be an ethical practice? Why or why not?
  • What do you believe it would mean for future generations, both socially and evolutionarily, if this becomes common practice?
  • What is the ethical role of the doctors and researchers involved with this process?

Friday, May 4th

Juniors: Here are some tools to help you prepare for Monday's discussion:

Our discussion will focus on the following questions:

1) To whom does the burden of 'ethics' fall? Scientist doing the research, politicians funding and applying science and technology in policy or philosophers integrating ethics and science?

2) Which of the aforementioned parties do you think have the loudest voice?

3) Are there any research methods, or topics that are too immoral to pursue? (e.g. human experimentation)

4) Is it possible to pursue the purest desire to understand the mysteries of the universe and maintain a lens of social ethics?

5) Are there any particular events, statements or arguments that really struck you? Why do you think that is?

What does ethics mean to contemporary scientist:

To help you understand the power of the bomb:

The decision to drop the bomb:

Other sides of the story:

I've given you plenty to work with but feel free to also bring your own research to the discussion. You've been studying ethics in religion; remember that a  'because I think/feel it's right' mentality is not enough to support a solid, academic discussion points. Be prepared to back up your opinions with facts!

Thursday, May 3

Section 2: Read chapter 14, section 1 and answer review questions 1-4 on page 476.