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Friday, November 30

All Sections: Complete the Lewis Dot Structures for the following molecules in your notebook,


Thursday, November 29

Sections 8, 9 & 11: Complete Data Table 2 in your lab. Also, correct the worksheet you were assigned yesterday, if need be.

Wednesday, November 28

All Sections: Sorry I can't be with you guys today. For next class, complete the worksheet found in the 'Homework Documents' section. Sections 9-11, don't forget that your make-up test closes at 10pm tomorrow night.

Tuesday, November 27

Section 8 & 10: In your lab, read the 'Step-by-Step' procedure section (pages 2-4), followed by the 'Part 2- Covalent Compounds' procedure. This, coupled with what we did in class today, should be enough to help you complete Data Table 2. Complete your data table in pencil! Also, there's a great website, which can be found under 'Helpful Links' called 'Lewis Dot Practice'. This will really help you if you're feeling stuck.

Sections 9 & 11: Complete the worksheet you got in class today.

Monday, November 26

Section 8: Finish putting your vocab in your notebook and complete both worksheets that you got in class today.

Section 10: Complete both worksheets that you got in class today.

Monday, November 19

Sections 8-10: Periodic Trends test tomorrow!

Friday, November 16

Sections 8 & 11: Read through your lab manual, so you are prepared for Monday. Also, answer questions 6-9 on the last two pages. REMEMBER you only have 30 minutes on Monday to finish and hand in this lab, make sure you come ready to go!

Section 9: Complete your lab for Monday.

All: Periodic Trends test is Tuesday for sections 8, 9 and 10! Test is Monday for section 11!

Thursday, November 15

All Sections: Complete the worksheet you picked up at the end of class today.

Wednesday, November 14

All Sections: Using Chapter 5 of your textbook, complete the following:

1) Define
       a) atomic radius
       b) electronegativity
       c) ion(s)
       d) ionization energy
       e) electron affinity

2) Describe the periodic trend for each of the following (the first one is done for you as a guide)
       a) atomic radius - decreases from left to right across a row and increases down a group
       b) electronegativity
       d) ionization energy

3) Use the concept of ionization energy to explain why sodium form a 1+ ion (Na+) but
magnesium forms a 2+ ion (Mg2+).

4) What is the difference between electron affinity and ionization energy?

Tuesday, November 13

Sections 8-11: Prepare your notebook to take/complete your chapter 4 test.

Monday, November 12

Section 8: Complete the pink packet, if you have not already. Also, study your notes so I can answer any lingering questions tomorrow.

Section 10: In the pink packet, complete page two, as well as, problems 3-6.

Section 11: Make sure you have solid notes and are ready to finish your test on Wednesday.

Thursday, November 8

All: Science Fair Project Proposal Forms are due tomorrow!!

Section 8 & 9: In the pink packet, complete page two, as well as, problem #3 & 5. Section 9, don't forget that your supplemental problems are due tomorrow.

Here are two examples of nobel gas configuration:

As: [Ar]4s23d104p3
Ru: [Kr]5s24d6

Section 10: Here are some electron configurations:

Fe: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6

Sr: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d10

Now, you try writing the electron configurations for these elements in your notebook:
Ga, Ar, Ru

Section 11: Complete the pink packet

Wednesday, November 7

Sections 8 & 11: Supplemental test problems are due tomorrow.

Also, here are some electron configurations:

Fe: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6

Sr: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d10

Now, you try writing the electron configurations for these elements in your notebook:
Ga, Ar, Ru

Section 9: Test corrections due tomorrow. Also, finish your lab, if you have not already handed it in.

Here are some electron configurations:

Fe: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6

Sr: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d10

Now, you try writing the electron configurations for these elements in your notebook:
Ga, Ar, Ru

Tuesday, November 6

All Sections: Complete Test corrections for tomorrow. Start working on the Supplemental Problems, if need be (they are due on Thursday).