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Thursday, February 28

All Sections: Materials and Methods due Tuesday. Also, there will be a short quiz on your textbook reading (pages 342-348)/ phases of matter on Tuesday as well.

Wednesday, February 27

Section 9: Read pages 342-348 in your textbook. Then, complete the first two pages (pg. 1 front and back) of the packet you picked up at the end of class.

Sections 10 & 11: Read pages 342-348 in your textbook. Then, complete pages 3 & 4 (pg. 2 front and back) of the packet you received in class today.

Tuesday, February 26

All Sections: 
1) If applicable, complete your test corrections. They MUST be in to me tomorrow if you want them to count in your progress report.

2) Work on your Materials and Methods section for your science fair project!

Monday, February 25

Section 8: Read AND annotate the packet you picked up at the end of class (due next Monday).

Section 9: (Juniors only) - Bring in your fixed/completed graph from today's lab. Also, make sure to answer the questions on the back of the lab manual (keep in mind that you will want space to amend your answers in class tomorrow).

Section 11: Read AND annotate the next set of reading you received in class today (due next Monday).

Here's a cool supernova explosion simulation:

Thursday, February 14

Section 8: Make sure to come in tomorrow with a high-quality, neat data table and graph from today's lab work.

Section 10: Read pages 333-336 of your textbook and answer the section review questions (all) on page 336.

Sections 9 &11: Read pages 337-341 of your textbook and answer the section review questions (all) on page 341. 

Wednesday, February 13

Section 8: No homework

Section 10: Make sure to come in tomorrow with a high-quality, neat data table and graph from today's lab work.

Tuesday, February 12

Sections 9 & 11: Answer questions 1-9 on page 353 of your textbook.

Friday, February 8

Juniors in Sections 8, 10 & 11 have their stoich test on Monday. Seniors in those sections - if you have not already, make sure you email me to make an appointment to take your test on Tuesday. 

Study Study! Use your textbook (chapter 9) - there are lots of limiting reagent problems in the back of the chapter!

Thursday, February 7

All Sections: STUDY STOICHIOMETRY!!!!! I posted 2 links on Friday to help you with stoich (bottom of post)...look at them!!!!!!!

** Section 11: The answer to 1a on page one of your pink packet can be found in yesterday's post.  In your pink packet, complete #2a on page 1, #5 & 6 on page 2, and #1a & 2a on page 3.

Also, this:

Wednesday, February 6

Section 8: Here is the answer to 1a on the first page of the pink packet:

Complete #2a on page 1, #5 & 6 on page 2, and #1a & 2a on page 3.

Sections 9, 10 & 11: Complete the following:

1) Given the following equation: Na2O + H2O ---> 2 NaOH

a. How many grams of NaOH is produced from 1.40 x 102 grams of Na2O?
b. How many grams of Na2O are required to produce 1.20 x 102 grams of NaOH?

2) Given the following equation: 2 NaClO3 ---> 2 NaCl + 3 O2

a. 24.00 moles of NaClO3 will produce how many grams of O2?
b. How many grams of NaCl are produced when 80.0 grams of O2 are produced?

3) Given the following equation: Cu + 2 AgNO3 ---> Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag

a. How many moles of Cu are needed to react with 3.50 moles of AgNO3?
b. If 89.5 grams of Ag were produced, how many grams of Cu reacted?

4) The average human requires 120.0 grams of glucose (C6H12O6) per day.  The photosynthetic reaction is: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ---> C6H12O6 + 6 O2

a. How many grams of CO2 (in the photosynthesis reaction) are required for this amount of glucose?

**Note that #5 is a multiple choice problem**
5) Given the reaction: 4 NH3 (g) + 5 O2 (g) ---> 4 NO (g) + 6 H2O (l)

When 1.80 mole of ammonia reacts, the total number of moles of products formed is:

a. 1.20              b. 4.50            c. 1.80             d. 3.00             e. 12.0

Monday, February 4

Read and annotate the passage from "The Disappearing Spoon" for next Monday.

Here's the video we watched today, if you want to watch it again:

Friday, February 1

All: Please remember that I will not be in on Tuesday. All homework will be reviewed on Wednesday.

Sections 8, 9 &11 :
1) Answer questions 4-6 of your post lab questions.
2) Read pgs. 312-318 of your textbook and answer the section review questions on pg. 318
3) Complete problems 15 & 16 on page 321 of your textbook.

Section 10:
1) At the beginning of class today, I asked you to reflect on your % error. Tonight, I want you to write a short paragraph covering these questions:
  • Why do you think your % error from procedure 1 was high or low?
  • What steps could you have/did you take when finishing procedure 2 to have a lower % error calculation?
  • How does stoichiometry help us understand % error? Why is % error important?
  • Look up, or postulate, a situation in the lab where high % error could be detrimental.
2) Read pgs. 312-318 of your textbook and answer the section review questions on pg. 318
3) Complete problems 15 & 16 on page 321 of your textbook.

If you still need stoich help: