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Friday, May 31

Sections 8 & 10: Under 'Homework Documents' you will find a sheet with 20 different hydrocarbon structures. The sheet you picked up at the end of the day has 20 spots to fill in the names of these structures. You should complete numbers 1-4, 7-16, 18 & 20. DON'T FORGET your cis and trans prefixes where they apply!

Sections 9 & 11: Complete your hydrocarbon naming worksheet. Also, under 'Homework Documents' you will find a sheet with 20 different hydrocarbon structures. You should complete numbers 1-4, 11, 12, 16, 18 & 20 in your notebook. DON'T FORGET your cis and trans prefixes where they apply!

All: The final review sheet sheet can be found under homework docs

Thursday, May 30

Section 8: Make sure both worksheets from class are completed. All cyclo-hydrocarbons can be done for extra credit.

Section 10: Complete your naming hyrdocarbons worksheet. All cyclo-hydrocarbons can be done for extra credit.

Sections 9 & 11: Complete the worksheet you got today in class. You DO NOT have to answer the first two problems on the bottom of the first page or #8 on the back.

Wednesday, May 29

Section 8: Complete the homework listed for sections 9 & 11 yesterday.

Section 10: 
1) Read pages 711-714 and answer questions 1-5 on page 714.
2) Try problems 6 & 7 from the back of today's worksheet
3) The quia assignment has been re-opened. You have until class-time tomorrow to retake it, if necessary. 

Tuesday, May 28

Section 9 & 11: Read pages 711-714 and answer questions 1-5 on page 714.
Also, name/draw these:

1) 3-pentyne
2) 2-hexene
3) decane

Section 10: Here's the link to the quia assignment. Don't forget you have 2 attempts. YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT BY 8AM TOMORROW MORNING.

Friday, May 24

Sections 8 & 9: Complete all of the following:
1) The first page of the half-life worksheet (I will collect it). The second page is practice for you, the answer key can be found at the bottom of the page.
2) Complete the fission/fusion assignment (Will also be collected). Here's the link that's at the top of the page:
This one will help too....
3) Once you've done these two assignments, complete the quia homework. Don't forget, you have two tries to get a high score. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT BY MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT.
Section 8 link -
Section 9 link -

Section 10: Complete your nuclear decay and fission/fusion worksheets.  Here's the link that's at the top of the page:
This one will help too....

Section 11: Complete the fission/fusion assignment (Will also be collected). Here's the link that's at the top of the page:
This one will help too....

Also, below is the link to your quia homework. Don't forget, you have two tries to get a high score. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT BY MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT.

All: This video is great!:

Thursday, May 23

Section 9: Complete your nuclear decay worksheet

Sections 8 & 11: Complete your graph from today's activity AND the nuclear decay worksheet.

All: Here are the answers from 3b&c of last night's homework, and 1&2 from tonight's, to help you get started:

Wednesday, May 22

All Sections: Watch and take notes on these videos:
Alpha Decay
Beta Decay

Then, answer questions 1-3(all parts) on page 684 of your textbook. You may need to do some reading of that section to answer the questions.

Tuesday, May 21

All Sections: At the bottom of the page you will find the Nuclear Chemistry powerpoint. Please take notes, in your notebook, on the first 11 slides. We will discuss them tomorrow, so you need to have them already available to you. Printing out the slides will only hinder your ability to remember the material.

Extra credit 'quiz a' can be taken on Thursday, before or after school in room 3K2.

Monday, May 20

Sections 8 & 10: Study for your redox quiz! Answer key to today's worksheet has been emailed to you. Powerpoint is at the bottom of the page.

Friday, May 17

Section 9: Complete the worksheet you picked up at the end of class.

Sections 10 & 11: Finish your redox worksheet and write half reactions (on the sheet or in your notebook) for 9b, c, f,g, 10c & d. **Check yesterday's blog post for the answer to 9b**

Images from today's class (many thanks to Donovan S for taking the pictures!):

Thursday, May 16

Sections 8 & 9: Finish your redox worksheet. Here's the answer to 9b to help you along:

Section 10: Outline/take notes on pgs 637 - 641 in your textbook AND answer section review questions 1-3 on page 641.

Wednesday, May 15

Sections 8, 9 & 11: Outline/take notes on pgs 637 - 641 in your textbook AND answer section review questions 1-3 on page 641.

Seniors taking the final: Your exam is on Monday, May 20th at 12:35 in room 4L5. I will be available for review after school on Friday in room 3K2.

Tuesday, May 14

All Sections: Use pages 631-635 of your textbook to answer questions 1-7 from the redox reactions worksheet.

(extra copies of the worksheet can be found under homework documents)

Section 9: Check your email.

Friday, May 10

Section 8: Complete problems 1-7 on your Specific Heat/Enthalpy "quiz" (the worksheet I handed out at the end of class). You can find the specific heat capacity values you will need on page 533 of your textbook.

Thursday, May 9

Sections 9 & 10: Complete problems 1-7 on your Specific Heat/Enthalpy "quiz" (the worksheet I handed out at the end of class)

Wednesday, May 8

Sections 8-10: Complete the Hess's Law Worksheet (2)

Section 11: Complete the Hess's Law Worksheet (2) and #1-3 & 7 on the Specific Heat/Enthalpy "quiz"

Tuesday, May 7

Section 8: Complete #1 and 2 ONLY on your Hess's Law worksheet. Do your work on scrap paper (or the back) so that it is legible!

Sections 9 & 11: Complete ALL of the Hess's Law worksheet we started today in class. Do your work on scrap paper (or the back) so that it is legible!

Monday, May 6

All Juniors: Please watch or finish watching the video on conflict minerals:

We will debate next week, (and I will expect you to be able to cite points from the second half of the film) so here is a reminder of what was on last Monday's post:

Based on your reading (found to the left) and today's video, answer the following questions:

1) To whom does the burden of 'ethics' fall? Scientist doing the research, politicians funding and applying science and technology in policy or philosophers integrating ethics and science?

2) Which of the aforementioned parties do you think have the loudest voice?

3) Is there a way for the scientific community to remain patriotic and pacifistic? 

Be prepared to debate your answers next week. 

Friday, May 3

All Sections: Quiz corrections due Monday

Juniors: Be ready for Monday's debate!

Section 10: Answer question #1 on the worksheet you got today in class.

Thursday, May 2

Section 8: Follow the instructions posted for sections 9-11 yesterday.

Wednesday, May 1

Sections 9-11: Complete the front (if you have not already) and back of the first page of your pink packet. Here's the answer the the first problem on the back page, to help get you started: