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Answer key is up (homework docs) and here's the link to the ppts:

See you all in the morning! Come well rested!

Review Session!

All: Tomorrow's review session will be from 11:30-12:30 in room 3K2.

Tuesday, June 4

Sections 9 & 11: Complete your review packet.

Section 10: Great come-back win today by the Flying Purple Uni-Dragons! And, a consistently well-played game by the Rubber Duckies from Hell! For homework tonight, complete the final review sheet (can be found under homework docs) - tomorrow is our only day to review, come with questions!

All: If you have a moment, please fill out this teacher evaluation. It is anonymous and I appreciate you being as honest as possible. Thanks!

Monday, June 3

Section 8: Congratulations to Team Yoda on a strong win today! For homework tonight, complete the final review sheet (can be found under homework docs) - tomorrow is our only day to review, come with questions!

Section 9: Congratulations to The Sith Lords (and Ben Futterman) for a great come-back win today, and to The Juans for a consistently excellent game!
For homework tonight, answer questions 1-8 on the final review sheet (can be found under homework docs).

Section 11: Great start to our showdown today! Operation Milk and Cookies will have to come in with a strong start tomorrow, if they hope to catch Dirty Mike and the Boyz. We will start class with Jake and Jarred in the hot seats.
For homework tonight, print out and answer questions 1-8 on the final review sheet (can be found under homework docs). Make sure to bring the review sheet to class tomorrow.

**All: Due to unforeseen circumstances, tomorrow's review session has been moved to the MORNING (7:40) - still in 3K2.