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Thursday, October 31

Sections 1, 2 & 7: Complete #1-6 on the Electron Configuration Practice Worksheet. Also, complete the following in the homework packet: 1 (all parts), 5 (e- configuration only), 6 (a&b)

Section 6: Finish your lab AND take notes on the following video:
Electron Configurations

Wednesday, October 30

All Sections: Create an outline of all of your notes from the chapter thus far (use the powerpoint below as a reference guide). We started this unit on Friday, October 4th (if you want to use the blog posts to help you recall everything we've covered). Include all pertinent information from videos, textbook reading, classroom notes and other miscellaneous homework.  Outlines MUST be emailed to me by MIDNIGHT tonight.

Tuesday, October 29

Section 1: Finish your lab and read pages 104-110 in your textbook. Put the definitions of all bolded words into your notes. Also, answer section review problems 1-4 on page 110.

Sections 2 & 6: Read pages 104-110 in your textbook. Put the definitions of all bolded words into your notes. Also, answer section review problems 1-4 on page 110.

Sections 3 & 7: Use the reading and your notes from last night's homework to answer questions 16, 17, 18 & 20 on pages 124 and 125 of your textbook. 

Monday, October 28

Sections 1 & 2: Read pages 100-103 in your textbook and answer section review questions 4,5 & 6 (all parts). Also, don't forget to use the powerpoint to evaluate the quality of your notes.
Finally, here's the video we watched today in class, if you want to watch it again:
Hydrogen Emission Spectrum

Sections 3 & 7: Read pages 104-110 in your textbook. Put the definitions of all bolded words into your notes. Also, answer section review problems 1-4 on page 110.

Wednesday, October 23

Sections 3 & 6: Read pages 100-103 in your textbook and answer section review questions 4,5 & 6 (all parts)

Happy Mole Day!! 

Tuesday, October 22

 Sections 1,2 & 6: Look at the webpage below and take notes on the content into your notebook. Try your best to answer the 'exercise' questions at the bottom of the page. You do not need to go to the next lesson.

 Sections 3: Watch the following video and take notes. The other website below will help you flesh out the quality/quantity of your notes:
Try your best to answer the 'exercise' questions at the bottom of the page. You do not need to go to the next lesson

Section 7: Read pages 100-103 in your textbook and answer section review questions 4,5 & 6 (all parts)

Monday, October 21

Sections 1 & 2: Watch the two videos below. They are VERY challenging to comprehend. Make sure to watch them more than once.

Section 6: A new assignment has been added to your Quia Class Page. Complete it by next class. Also, watch the two videos below. They are VERY challenging to comprehend. Make sure to watch them more than once.

Section 7: A new assignment has been added to your Quia Class Page. Complete it by next class.
Also, look at the webpage below and take notes on the content into your notebook. Try your best to answer the 'exercise' questions at the bottom of the page. You do not need to go to the next lesson. 

Friday, October 18

Section 1: A new assignment has been added to your Quia Class Page. Complete it by class on Monday.

Thursday, October 17

All Sections: Watch and take notes/answer the question in the following video:

Tuesday, October 15

Sections 3 & 7: Watch the two videos below. They are VERY challenging to comprehend. Make sure to watch them more than once.

Origin of Quantum Mechanics
QM History

Friday, October 11

Section 3: 
  • Complete the electromagnetic spectrum worksheet at the bottom of the page
  • Watch the first video (ONLY up to 5:30) and take notes on it. Then watch the second video, you do not need to take notes. Finally, answer the three questions below in your notebook.
The Photoelectric Effect Explained
Photoelectric Effect Demo

1) What is the relationship between the frequency of light and the energy of the electrons emitted?
2) The energy hitting the electrons is light energy, but the electrons leaving the metal are not made of light. What type of energy have those electrons transferred the light into?
3) What do you think this has to do with the problems we've discussed with Rutherford model of the atom?

Section 6: Work on your background research!

Thursday, October 10

Sections 1, 2, 6 & 7: Watch the first video (ONLY up to 5:30) and take notes on it. Then watch the second video, you do not need to take notes. Finally, answer the three questions below in your notebook.

The Photoelectric Effect Explained
Photoelectric Effect Demo

1) What is the relationship between the frequency of light and the energy of the electrons emitted?
2) The energy hitting the electrons is light energy, but the electrons leaving the metal are not made of light. What type of energy have those electrons transferred the light into?
3) What do you think this has to do with the problems we've discussed with Rutherford model of the atom?

Wednesday, October 9

Sorry I can't be with you guys today. If your class was canceled, the worksheet (Electromagnetic spectrum) you need to complete can be found under homework docs. You may use your textbook, the powerpoint at the bottom of the page or the internet to do so. You will need to do research to find most of the answers.

Also, there may be a box set up in the HMO for you to hand in your project. Please double check if there's a place to drop it off, rather than just holding on to it. If there is a drop off spot and you wait until tomorrow to hand it in, it may be considered late.

Tuesday, October 8

Sections 1, 2, 3 & 7: Watch and take notes on the video below. There is A LOT of information in a very short amount of time. I suggest you watch it through once and then watch it again to pause and take notes in your notebook.
Electromagnetic Spectrum

Section 6: Here's the SIM for completing the worksheet (which can be found under homework docs at the bottom of the page):
Build An Atom Simulation

**Remember you can print and fill out the worksheet or write your answers on loose leaf or a combo of the two, just make sure it can be collected!

Monday, October 7

All Sections: Watch the video below and use it to fill in the first 3 sections of the History of the Atom worksheet under 'Homework Documents'. You may also use the textbook (pgs. 67-76) and the internet to complete the assignment.
Early Atomic History

Friday, October 4

Sections 1, 2 & 7: Watch the following video and take notes:
The Atom: Part 1

Here's the SIM for finishing the worksheet:
Build An Atom Simulation

Make sure you have all the materials/a plan for working your SRP on Monday.

Sections 3: 
Here's the SIM for completing the worksheet:
Build An Atom Simulation

Make sure you have all the materials/a plan for working your SRP on Monday.

October Kairos:

Welcome back! Here's what you need to do by Tuesday:

-Study for the periodic table quiz you missed
-Be working on your Adopt an Element project (due Wednesday)
-Watch and take notes on this video:

-Check your email for your username and password (if you did not get it, send me an email). Then, locate the Quia class pages above for each section. Click on your section, and then click on the assignment posted there. You will need to sign in to complete it. You will have several attempts to answer the questions and you are welcome to use your textbook/notes.

Thursday, October 3

Sections 3 & 6: Re-do the Quia homework AND watch and take notes on the following video:
The Atom: Part 1

Wednesday, October 2

Sections 1, 2 & 7: Retake the Quia HW from last night

Section 3:
  • Check your email for your Quia username and password
  • Complete Quia HW
  • Adopt an Element project due next Wednesday
Section 6:
  • Test corrections due tomorrow
  • Check your email for your Quia username and password
  • Complete Quia HW

Tuesday, October 1

Sections 1,  2 & 7: 

  • Periodic table quiz tomorrow
  • Complete your Quia homework (classpage can be found to the left)
  • Adopt an Element project due next Wednesday
Section 6: 
  • Periodic table quiz tomorrow
  • Adopt an Element project due next Wednesday
1st Extra Credit Assignment (due Wednesday, 10/2): Read and outline the story on page 15 in your textbook and answer the two questions. This assignment must be typed and handed in at the beginning of class.