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Tuesday, June 10

Guys, test is tomorrow! (Whoop! Whoop!) Let's do this!!!

Make sure, if you haven't already, that you review tonight:

  • factors that effect the rate of reaction
  • thermo-chemistry (including Hess's Law)
  • redox
  • nuclear chemistry
  • organic chemistry (naming hydrocarbons)
that is all roughly chapters 16, 19-22. Obviously, we didn't cover every concept in all of those chapters - use your noggin and study the stuff we spent the most time on in class and on tests and quizzes. Also, that list is really for guys who have been following my study guide. So, if you haven't studied at all, don't just study the stuff above! 

Don't stress- you're going to be awesome! Get a good night's sleep and have a good breakfast tomorrow morning! Your neurons can't fire without fuel!!! 

Wednesday, June 4

All: Happy last day of classes! Tonight you should study Acids and Bases (chapter 14)!

Tuesday, June 3

All Sections: Tonight you should study:
Solutions! This includes Molarity and Solubility Graphs. Reference chapter 12 in your textbook to make sure you've covered everything.

Monday, June 2

All Sections: Tonight you should study:
-States of Matter (including phase change diagrams)
-Gas Laws (Boyle's, Charles', Ideal, etc)
-Kinetic Molecular Theory
*These are chapters 10 and 11 in your textbook*