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Wednesday, October 29

Section 3H & 4H: In the white packet, complete the back of page 2 (1-3) and the front of page 3 (all)

Section 4: Complete the blue packet and the front of page 3 in the white packet.

Tuesday, October 28

Section 4H: Use this video (Noble Gas Configuration) and your notes from class to complete the blue packet you picked up at the end of class.

Section 4: In your white packet, on the back of page 2, answer questions 1-3. In your blue packet, answer questions 1 (all) and 6. 

Monday, October 27

Section 3H: Use this video (Noble Gas Configuration) and your notes from class to complete the blue packet you picked up at the end of class.

Friday, October 24

Section 3H: Continue updating pg. 1 of your packet and complete page 2 (front). Then, in your notebook, write the electron configurations for the following elements:
Xenon, Lead, Mercury and Bromine

Section 4H: Use this video (Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table) and the image on the top of the page to complete pg. 1 (front and back) and 2 (front) of your packet. Then, in your notebook, write the electron configurations for the following elements:
Xenon, Lead, Mercury and Bromine

Section 4: Complete pg. 1 (front and back) and 2 (front) of your packet.

*You can due quiz corrections if you got a 25 or below on the quiz. Due next class!*

Wednesday, October 22

Section 3H: Watch the following video, and use it to answer the questions on the first page of the packet (front and back).
Quantum Numbers

*You may do quiz corrections if your got a 25 or below on the quiz.

Sections 4 & 4H: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Electron Configurations
Please ignore the comments about the lab. I am referencing the lab that we'll do on H day, which we were able to do last year before watching the video. It will not hinder your ability to take notes.

Tuesday, October 21

Sections 4 & 4H: Read and take notes on Ch. 4, Section 2 of your textbook. Then, answer the Section Review questions (all).
Section 4H, also, watch this video: More on Quantum Mechanics

Monday, October 20

Section 3H: Sorry I couldn't be there with you guys today. For next class, watch this video:
More on Quantum Mechanics
AND read chapter 4, section 2 of your textbook. Complete the section review questions in your notebook.

Thursday, October 16

Section 4H: Watch 34:27-54:30 from the video below, and fill out the corresponding worksheet, found under Homework Documents.
Quantum Theory

Section 4: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Photoelectric Effect

Tuesday, October 14

Section 3H: Watch 34:27-54:30 from the video below, and fill out the corresponding worksheet, provided in class.
Quantum Theory

Friday, October 10

All Sections: Complete your lab and the worksheet handed out at the end of class. You will want to refer to pages 97 & 98 in your textbook and/or this website to help you with the worksheet:

Wednesday, October 8

All Sections:
1) Watch, take notes, and answer the questions in this video: Light Equation
2) Make sure your two research sources + summaries are added to your Google Doc (Thursday for Section 3H, Friday for 4 & 4H). Everyone in the group must do this.

NOTE: Section 3H, hold on to the worksheet you got at the end of class today. We will do it together next class - do not complete it on your own.

Tuesday, October 7

Section 4 & 4H: Watch and take notes on the first 9:20 of this video:
Atomic History
As a supplement, add any pertinent information from pages 67-69 in your textbook to your video notes.

Monday, October 6

Section 3H: Watch and take notes on the first 9:20 of this video:
Atomic History
As a supplement, add any pertinent information from pages 67-69 in your textbook to your video notes.

Friday, October 3

Sections 4 & 4H: Don't forget to do your Build an Atom assignment for Monday.

Also, here's a cool video on how elements are created! Enjoy :)
Elements Forged in the Stars

Thursday, October 2

All: Typed SRP proposal is due tomorrow, and you will present your ideas to the class. Be ready! Google Science Fair links are below, as a resource.

To help you round out your project ideas:

Some inspiration! Winning Project

Also, if you didn't finish the worksheet we started in class today, make sure to do so.

Sections 4 & 4H: Don't forget you have the build an atom assignment due Monday.

**Extra PT and proposal forms have been placed under homework docs

***If you added to your Google Doc and want feedback, be sure to email me

Science Research Projects

If you shared a Google Doc with me, I have commented on it. If you need help with your proposal for Friday, email me and we'll make an appointment, or just stop by my office.