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Monday, March 30

Section 4H: Fix (if needed) and complete your phet simulation packet (all).

Section 4: Fix (if needed) the first two pages of your phet simulation and complete #1-8 on page 3.

Friday, March 27

Section 3H: Complete the post lab questions from last night's worksheet and answer the following questions in your notebook:

1.      What is the molarity of a solution that contains 4.53 moles of lithium nitrate in 2.85 liters of solution?

2.      What is the molarity of a solution that contains 0.00372 moles hydrochloric acid in 2.39 x 10-2 liters of solution?

3.      A flask contains 85.5 g C12H22O11 (sucrose) in 1.00 liters of solution.  What is the molarity?

4.      A beaker contains 214.2 grams osmium (III) fluoride in 0.0673 liters of solution.  What is the molarity?

5.      Calculate the molarity if a flask contains 1.54 moles potassium sulfate in 125 ml of solution.

*Quiz corrections can be done for grades of 38 and below*

Kairos Students: Welcome back!
First, Read and take notes on page 401-406 in your textbook. Then, answer questions 1-6 on page 406.
Then, you're going to complete the first two pages of a worksheet on a phet simulation. Here's the link:

The worksheet that goes along with the sim can be found under Homework Docs. YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THE FIRST TWO PAGES. Start by just messing around with the sim so you can see how it works. Make sure to look at the information provided about the amount of salt and water on the right hand side. You will need to use the tabs at the top for the second page of the worksheet. Be sure the READ DIRECTIONS carefully throughout the worksheet!
NOTE: If you don't get the Pre-Lab Vocabulary definitions from the textbook first, you will have a lot of trouble completing the worksheet!

Thursday, March 26

All: Here's the link to the phet simulation:

The worksheet that goes along with the sim we started in class - it can also be found under Homework Docs. YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THE FIRST TWO PAGES. Start by just messing around with the sim so you can see how it works. Make sure to look at the information provided about the amount of salt and water on the right hand side. You will need to use the tabs at the top for the second page of the worksheet. Be sure the READ DIRECTIONS carefully throughout the worksheet!

Wednesday, March 25

Section 4: Read and take notes on page 401-406 in your textbook. Then, answer questions 1-6 on page 406

Monday, March 23

Section 3H: If you have not already, complete the ideal gas law worksheet. Also, on a piece of loose-leaf, explain how I crushed the can in class today (don't forget what you know about pressure, temperature, volume, energy, kinetic molecular theory, etc). Feel free to draw pictures to get your point across!
Also, study your gas laws ;-)

Section 4H: Complete the ideal gas law worksheet. Also, on a piece of loose-leaf, explain how you crushed the can in class today (don't forget what you know about pressure, temperature, volume, energy, kinetic molecular theory, etc). Feel free to draw pictures to get your point across!
Also, study your gas laws ;-)

Here are the answer for 2-6 in class today: 2) 28.6 L 3) 10.0 atm 4) 28.5 L 5) 30.4 atm 6) a. 10.6 L, b. 145 psi

Section 4: Study your gas laws!! ;-)

Thursday, March 19

Section 3H: Complete problems 1, 3, 7, 9, 10 and 12 on the worksheet you picked up at the end of class. If you need more time with the equations or want to see practice problems, check out these videos:
Gas Laws Part 1
Gas Laws Part 2

Section 4H: Complete the worksheet from class (if you have not done so already), and work on your barometer! 

Section 4: Complete problems 1, 3, 7, 9, 10 and 12 on the gas laws worksheet. 

Wednesday, March 18

Welcome back from your long weekend and happy belated St. Patrick's Day from one of the fathers of modern Irish scientist...a rock star...a gas law're about to learn about his're gonna love him... (drumroll....)

Section 4H: For tomorrow: watch and take notes on these videos:

For Monday: Now that you know a bit about how a barometer works, you will design your own! Here's what you need to do:

On a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Briefly explain how a barometer works, in your own words (you may draw pictures, if you'd like)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For extra credit - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Section 4: Study for your quiz tomorrow and watch and take notes on these videos:

Friday, March 13

Section 3H: Now that you know a bit about how a barometer works, you will design your own! Here's what you need to do:

On a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Briefly explain how a barometer works, in your own words (you may draw pictures, if you'd like)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For extra credit - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Thursday, March 12

All: Quiz on phase graphs next class!! Check the Homework Docs section for answer keys. Also, review the material in Ch. 10, section 4.

Wednesday, March 11

All: Complete the front and back of the worksheet we started in class today. Also, read pages 343-344 in your textbook and take a look at the graph in Figure 14.

Tuesday, March 10

Section 3H: Complete the back of the worksheet we started in class today. Also, read pages 343-344 in your textbook and take a look at the graph in Figure 14.

Students going on Montserrat: On Thursday we will look at a Phase Diagram. There are two videos on the phase diagrams below, and a great explanation in your textbook on page 347. The videos have the same content - I just put two because they are different styles of video - you only need to watch one (you can watch both if you'd like).
Practice reading a Phase Diagram in the worksheets under Homework Docs. If you feel lost on any of the 3 graphs you've seen, please make an appointment to see me.
Phase Diagram Video 1
Phase Diagram Video 2

Wednesday, March 4

All: Take notes on chapter 10, sections 2 & 3. Be prepared to answer questions on the content next class!

Tuesday, March 3

Section 4 & 4H: Read and take notes on Ch 10, section 1 of your textbook. Then, answer the Section Review questions.

Monday, March 2

Section 3H: Read and take notes on Ch 10, section 1 of your textbook. Then, answer the Section Review questions.