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Wednesday, September 30

Sections 4 & 5: Tonight you're going to mess around with a simulation of Rutherford's gold foil experiment. The link to the simulation is below (you may have to allow pop-ups for it to work):

There are two tabs (Rutherford and Plum Pudding), as well as several settings (energy, number of protons, etc). For each tab you will play around with the settings and make some observations. Remember that you can only draw accurate conclusions if you change only one variable at a time. For each tab, fill out a chart in your notebook that looks like this (you should have at least 3 rows of observations for each):
Variable changed
Possible explanation of the result

Monday, September 28

Section 5: Complete the worksheet on atomic history found under homework documents. You may use your textbook or an reputable websites. You may find these videos useful as well:
Atomic History video 1
Atomic History video 2

Thursday, September 24

Section 5: You will be creating a color-coded periodic table with a detailed legend. You should use your textbook or to color code all of the groups of elements listed below (pgs. 140-141 are particularly helpful for this). Then, make a legend on the back, which includes the name of the group, the color assigned to it and an explanation of that groups common properties and characteristics (use your textbook for this as well).
Alkali Metals
Alkaline Earth Metals
Transition Metals
Post- Transition Metals
Noble Gases
Other Non-Metals

Tuesday, September 22

Section 5: Complete the back of your lab worksheet. Also, outline pages 16-20 in your textbook.

Monday, September 21

Sections 2H & 4: Complete the back of your lab worksheet. Also, outline pages 16-20 in your textbook.

*Be sure to check you email for any important information about class on Wednesday*

Friday, September 18

All: Quiz next class! Know about atoms, elements, compounds, mixtures, physical & chemical properties/changes, extensive & intensive properties.

Wednesday, September 16

Sections 4 & 2H: Complete the chart found under 'Homework Documents' below. You may print it and fill it out, or copy the chart into your notebook and complete it there.

Tuesday, September 15

Section 2H: Complete all worksheets handed out in class today (single sheet and the 2.1 & 2.2 packet). Use your textbook for help.

Section 5: Complete the single sheet and the first page of the packet (2.1) that you received in class today. Use your textbook for help.

Friday, September 11

Sections 4 & 2H: Outline pages 3-8 in your textbook (stop at 'Chemical Properties and Chemical Changes'). The outline will be collected - it may be typed. If it is not typed, please make sure your handwriting is legible.