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Monday, November 30

Sections 4 & 2H: Use this video (Noble Gas Configuration) and your notes from class to complete the back of the worksheet you started before vacation (you have already done #1-5). 
Also, you MUST go back and correct (when applicable) all of the electron configurations from your last HW assignment. 

Some of you requested an example of orbital notation, so here it is:

Tuesday, November 24

Section 5: Finish your lab, if you have not already. Then complete the homework that was posted yesterday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23

Sections 2H & 4: Complete the front of the worksheet from class today (Aufbau diagrams) and 1-5 on the back.  Then, in your notebook, write the electron configurations for the following elements:
Xenon, Lead, Mercury and Bromine.
You may want to use this video (Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table), the image on the top of the page and the notes we took in class.
Don't forget:

Also, check out this screen shot of the electron configuration for Polonium. Once we get further along in the p,d & f orbitals, the order of the energy levels gets stranger. Pay attention to atomic numbers and the diagram above! Pay particular attention to what happens after the 6s orbital.

All: We will have the follow-up extra credit session for the Google Expedition to CERN tomorrow during CP in 4K3

Friday, November 20

All: Take notes on this video: electron configurations
*Note: The first half of the video is stuff we talked about briefly in class today (for sections 2H & 5), so you can bolster your notes, if you need to. The lab I talk about we will do on Monday and Tuesday!

For Kairos Students:
1) Read AND take notes on chapter 4, section 2 of your textbook, then answer the Section Review questions (all). 
2) Watch this video on the double slit experiment:Double Slit
3) Take notes on this video: electron configurations

Wednesday, November 18

Sections 2H & 4: Read chapter 4, section 2 of your textbook and answer the Section Review questions (all). The first half of the section will be review from class, the second half is new material. You should copy all important information (definitions, examples, etc) into your notebook as well.

Tuesday, November 17

Section 2H: Answer these questions:

Section 5: Read chapter 4, section 2 of your textbook and answer the Section Review questions (all). The first half of the section will be review from class, the second half is new material. You should copy all  important information (definitions, examples, etc) into your notebook as well.

All: Here's a good video on the double slit experiment:Double Slit
Should help if you found class confusing!

Monday, November 16

Sections 4 & 5: Answer these questions:

Friday, November 13

Sections 2H & 4: Take notes on this video: Bohr Atom
*The video has some of the same content we spoke about in class but also has great visuals to help you understand the atomic energy levels.

Thursday, November 12

Section 5: For next class:
1) Study your light equations for our quiz
2) Finish your lab
3) Take notes on this video:
Bohr Atom
*The video has a lot of the same content we spoke about in class but also has great visuals to help you understand the atomic energy levels.

Tuesday, November 10

Section 2H: Watch this video: Photoelectric Effect Demo and read the the 'Photoelectric Effect' section of your textbook in Chapter 4, Section 1 (pages 99-100).

Section 4: Complete your lab and study your light equation problems (E=hv, c=λv, etc)
*Note: homework docs and the ppt have been updated! :)

Monday, November 9

Sections 2H & 5: Study your light equation problems (E=hv, c=λv, etc)

*Note: homework docs and the ppt have been updated! :)

Friday, November 6

Sections 4 & 5: Watch this video: Photoelectric Effect Demo and read the the 'Photoelectric Effect' section of your textbook in Chapter 4, Section 1 (pages 99-100).

Thursday, November 5

Section 2H: Redo/fix any of the homework problems from last night's worksheet (#10-15) on a piece of loose-leaf paper or in your notebook. Also, complete problems 10, 11, 13 & 14 on page 124 of your textbook. 

Section 4: Redo/fix any of the homework problems from last night's worksheet (#10-15) on a piece of loose-leaf paper or in your notebook. Also, complete problems 10, 11 & 14 on page 124 of your textbook. 

Wednesday, November 4

Section 2H: Complete the worksheet you got in class today (this video may help). Also complete these problems:

Section 5: Redo/fix any of the homework problems from last night's worksheet (#10-15) on a piece of loose-leaf paper or in your notebook. Then complete these problems:

Tuesday, November 3

Section 4: Complete the worksheet you got in class today (this video may help). Also complete these problems:

Section 5: Watch this video and complete the back of the worksheet you got in class today. DO NOT complete the problems at the end of the video.

Monday, November 2

Sections 2H & 4: Tonight you will outline pages from your textbook. I DO NOT want you to outline the entire section, so please read carefully. Your outline should include the content on page 97 - 99, stopping at The Photoelectric Effect (i.e. the photoelectric effect should NOT be included in your outline) and 100 - 101, starting with the Hydrogen-Atom Line-Emission Spectrum.