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Tuesday, December 15

Sections 2H & 5: Graph and study!

Your graph:

  • The x-axis should be 'Atomic Number'. Recognize that we now know that the rows of our cards today are rows 2-5 on our periodic table (NOT including the d block!). So you can assign each card an atomic number! 
  • The y-axis you can choose. You can either have it be the electronegativity (the bottom left #) OR the number at the top left (try to figure out what that is, based on the trend, so that you can label the axis). Whatever you choose, just stick to it! You have to be consistent across all cards. 
  • Make sure to plot the 'Missing Element'. Based on the trends you see, try to best predict the missing plot point - be sure to label it. 
  • Look over your graph, does it make sense? If you can see all the different trends we've talked about on the card and predict which number corresponds to which trend, you'll be set for the quiz! 
If you want to study with me tomorrow: 
Tomorrow during CP I have my department meeting. However, I am available during both lunch periods. Stop by my office, if you have questions!

Monday, December 14

Section 4 & 5: Play this game!: Periodic Trends Game

Friday, December 11

Section 2H: Play this game!: Periodic Trends Game

Section 4:
Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today.

Thursday, December 10

Section 5: Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today.

Wednesday, December 9

Section 2H:  Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today. 

Section 4:
1) Complete your lab (use your textbook and 
2) Use the information in chapter 5, section 3 to answer the section review questions (all) on page 164.

Monday, December 7

Sections 2H & 5: Use the information in chapter 5, section 3 to answer the section review questions (all) on page 164.

Friday, December 4

Section 4 & 5: Outline Chapter 5, Section 2

Kairos Students:

  • Study! Look at yesterday's blog post to see everything you need to know for your test. There are extra materials at the bottom of the webpage to help you study. 
  • Email me! Let me know when you plan to make up the test - here are your options:
    • Monday: Any time! (it is my preference that you take it on this day - if you do not, the grade will not be in your progress report)
    • Wednesday: Any time! 
  • For Tuesday: outline chapter 5, section 2 of the textbook

Thursday, December 3

Sections 4: Study!
  • light equations
  • light being described as a quanta, rather than a purely as a wave (why this is important)
  • absorption and emission spectra and how they relate to energy levels in an atom
  • wave-particle duality of an electron (specifically that they act like standing that relates to energy levels)
  • 4 quantum numbers 
  • principles (Aufbau, Pauli, Hund) 
  • electron configurations (short and long form)
Section 2H: Outline Chapter 5, Section 2. I'm going to be grading them, so check your Boron, Carbon and Fluorine game at the door. 

Wednesday, December 2

Sections 2H & 5: Complete the packet from class today. Also, study!
  • light equations
  • light being described as a quanta, rather than a purely as a wave (why this is important)
  • absorption and emission spectra and how they relate to energy levels in an atom
  • wave-particle duality of an electron (specifically that they act like standing that relates to energy levels)
  • 4 quantum numbers 
  • principles (Aufbau, Pauli, Hund) 
  • electron configurations (short and long form)

Tuesday, December 1

Section 4: Complete the blue packet (all) that we started in class today.

Sections 5: Use this video (Noble Gas Configuration) and your notes from class to complete the back of the worksheet you started before vacation (you have already done #1-5).
Also, you MUST go back and correct (when applicable) all of the electron configurations from your last HW assignment. 

Some of you requested an example of orbital notation, so here it is: