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Friday, February 26

Section 5: Read pages 285-287 of your textbook, then answer questions 1-4 on page 287.

All: Some of you requested extra videos for studying - here to you go:
Solving Chemical Reactions - Predicting the Products
Writing and Balancing Reactions Predicting Products

Also, don't forget about your textbook! Chapter 8 has everything you need to know!

Thursday, February 25

Sections 2H & 4: Write and balance the  reaction equations for the problems below. The given information is the reactants side of each equation. Use the new tables you got today to include states of matter (all!); if the reaction is not possible, you should write 'DNR' on the products side of the arrow (you still still write out the reactants side with states of matter).

1. silver nitrate + nickel
2. iron + aluminum oxide
3. lead + zinc acetate
4. sodium bromide + iodine
5. aluminum bromide + chlorine
6. calcium + hydrochloric acid
7. sodium + water (this one is very tricky! think about how water can be written as an ionic compound - cation + anion...)

**STUDY - we will have a quiz on this next week!**

Wednesday, February 24

Section 5: Go over last night's HW and make it perfect!
Then, give this a shot in your notebook:
Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance. If products are not given, predict them. For each reaction, specify the reaction type:

1) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form ....

2) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form ....

3) Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form ....

4) Hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and nitrogen gas.

Section 2H: Complete the following in your notebook:
Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance. If products are not given, predict them. For each reaction, specify the reaction type:
1) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form ....

2) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form ....

3) Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form ....

4) Lead and iron (II) sulfide react to form...

5) Nitrogen dioxide decomposes to form...

6) Magnesium chloride and lithium carbonate react to form...

7) Sodium bromide and calcium hydroxide react to form...

8) Hydrogen and oxygen react to form...

9) Cyclopentanol (C5H9O) reacts with oxygen to form...

10) Sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) react to form...

Tuesday, February 23

Section 4: Go over last night's HW and make it perfect!
Then, give this a shot in your notebook:
Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance. If products are not given, predict them. For each reaction, specify the reaction type:

1) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form ....

2) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form ....

3) Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form ....

4) Hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and nitrogen gas.

Section 5: Complete the worksheet under homework docs (print it or work in your notebook). Work in pencil!!

Monday, February 22

Sections 2H & 4: Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class (can also be found under homework docs). Work in pencil!

February Break HW

All: The homework worksheet has been posted under homework docs. You may print it or transpose the information into your notebook. If you print the worksheet, please be sure to highlight/annotate/etc to show that you've done the reading. Be sure to answer all of the reading comprehension questions to the best of your ability.

Wednesday, February 10

Sections 2H & 5: Complete the worksheet you got in class today & study!

All: There are great resources below in the 'Homework Documents' sections. Check them out! Also, come see me tomorrow during CP if you need help!

Tuesday, February 9

All: Sorry I couldn't be at school with you today but I will be back tomorrow. I know some of you are feeling a little shaky on balancing, so here are two more videos to help you out. The first is more of an introductory video, while the second goes through more challenging balancing problems step-by-step.
Introduction to Balancing Chemical Equations
Balancing Chemical Equations Practice Problems
Also, here is a simulator that you may find helpful as well:
Finally, don't forget about your textbook! It is a valuable resource and has lots of information about balancing chemical equations.

Section 5: You are to complete the balancing worksheet found under 'Homework Documents' and write the word equations (in your notebook) for the equations in numbers 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Section 4: Balance the following equations in your notebook:
1. Na + H2O → NaOH + H2
2. Fe + FeCl3 -→ FeCl2
3. Ba(OH)2 + AlCl3 → Al(OH)3 + BaCl2
4. MgCl2 + NaOH → Mg(OH)2 + NaCl
5. AgNO3 + CuCl2 → AgCl + Cu(NO3)2
6. ZnS + O2 → ZnO + SO2
7. Na + H2O → H2 + NaOH
8. BaCl2 + (NH4)2CO3 → BaCO3 + NH4Cl
9. KI + Cl2 → KCl + I2
10. Pb(NO3)2 + HCl → PbCl2 + HNO3

Monday, February 8

Sections 2H: Complete the balancing worksheet and write the word equations (in your notebook) for the equations in numbers 1, 3-6 & 8-10.

Section 4: Complete the balancing worksheet and write the word equations (in your notebook) for the equations in numbers 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Due Next Class (Monday or Tuesday 2/8 or 2/9)

All: Complete your lab! For the postlab: you know four sets of reactants...match them to the correct products in question #1! Once you've figured out which reactants and products go together, fill in the blank space with chemical formulas (NOT words).
Also, watch the first 9:12 seconds of the video below (it will help solve the mystery of those numbers in front of our chemical compounds):
A Beginner's Guide to Balancing Equations
Then, try to balance #2 & 4 on your word equations worksheet.

Wednesday, February 3

Section 2H: Complete the worksheet we started in class

Section 5: Complete the worksheet we started in class and write the chemical equation for these four problems:

1) Magnesium metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid magnesium oxide.
2) Sulfur dioxide gas reacts with gaseous water to produce aqueous hydrogen sulfite.
3) Solid calcium carbonate reacts to form solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
4) Potassium chlorate reacts to form potassium chloride and oxygen.

Tuesday, February 2

Section 4: Complete the worksheet we started in class and  write the chemical equation for these four problems:

1) Magnesium metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid magnesium oxide.
2) Sulfur dioxide gas reacts with gaseous water to produce aqueous hydrogen sulfite.
3) Solid calcium carbonate reacts to form solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
4) Potassium chlorate reacts to form potassium chloride and oxygen.