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You Did It!

Thanks for a great year, guys! I hope while you're studying, you'll realize just how much you've learned this year, and feel proud of yourself! Study hard for the final and end the year on a high note!

Please be checking your email with updates about your acid, base quizzes, study tips and more. I've sent you a Google Survey - please fill it out when you have time.

If you'd like to keep in touch with me next year, you can email me at

Hope to see many of you at the upcoming review sessions.

Tuesday, May 31

Section 5: Complete your acid/base packet and study. Answer keys can be found under homework docs.

Friday, May 27

Sections 2H & 4: Complete your acid/base packet and study. Answer keys can be found under homework docs. Enjoy your 3 day weekend!

p.s. start studying for the final! go over old test and quizzes!!!

Thursday, May 26

Sections 2H & 5: Read chapter 15, section 1 of your textbook. Then, answer section review questions 1-5 on page 509. 

Wednesday, May 25

Section 4: Read chapter 15, section 1 of your textbook. Then, answer section review questions 1-5 on page 509. 

Section 5: Answer the questions below in your notebook. Please note that I have given some sample answers. Also, here's a video on acid/base naming, if you found our last homework confusing: Naming Acids and Bases, Chemistry Tutorial CLEAR & SIMPLE

Given the following reactions label the acid, base, conjugate acid and conjugate base.
a. HCO3-                H2            H3O+            CO32-
b. HCl                           H2            H3O+            Cl-
c. CH3CO2                NaOH         NaCH3CO2              H2O
d. NH4Cl                     NaH2PO4                 NH3     +          H3PO4         NaCl

Name the following acids and bases:

1)         NaO

2)         H2SO

3)         H2S 

4)         H3PO

5)         NH3       

6)         HCN    

7)         Ca(OH)

8)         Fe(OH) 

9)         H3P      

Write the formulas of the following acids and bases:

10)       hydrofluoric acid

11)       hydroselenic acid 

12)       carbonic acid 

13)       lithiuhydroxide 

14)       nitrous acid

15)       cobalt (II) hydroxide

16)       sulfuric acid   

17)       beryllium hydroxide

18)       hydrobromic acid