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Wednesday, May 25

Section 4: Read chapter 15, section 1 of your textbook. Then, answer section review questions 1-5 on page 509. 

Section 5: Answer the questions below in your notebook. Please note that I have given some sample answers. Also, here's a video on acid/base naming, if you found our last homework confusing: Naming Acids and Bases, Chemistry Tutorial CLEAR & SIMPLE

Given the following reactions label the acid, base, conjugate acid and conjugate base.
a. HCO3-                H2            H3O+            CO32-
b. HCl                           H2            H3O+            Cl-
c. CH3CO2                NaOH         NaCH3CO2              H2O
d. NH4Cl                     NaH2PO4                 NH3     +          H3PO4         NaCl

Name the following acids and bases:

1)         NaO

2)         H2SO

3)         H2S 

4)         H3PO

5)         NH3       

6)         HCN    

7)         Ca(OH)

8)         Fe(OH) 

9)         H3P      

Write the formulas of the following acids and bases:

10)       hydrofluoric acid

11)       hydroselenic acid 

12)       carbonic acid 

13)       lithiuhydroxide 

14)       nitrous acid

15)       cobalt (II) hydroxide

16)       sulfuric acid   

17)       beryllium hydroxide

18)       hydrobromic acid