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Thursday, March 29 - Friday, March 30

Section 2: Watch these two videos -
Intro to Gas Laws 1
Intro to Gas Laws 2
Then, do the following:
1) Come up with at least 5 examples of situations that you have witnessed in everyday life, which validate the properites described in these gas laws.
2) Now that you have three equations that relate pressure vs. volume, pressure vs. temperature and volume vs. temperature, see if you can create one equation that involves all three variables.
3) But wait! There's a flaw in your equation! There's a quantity missing that is keeping these equation from being sound for all types of gases. What is it???
4) Complete the worksheet handed out in class yesterday

Section 1: The videos above can also help you with your worksheets, since we moved pretty quickly through our notes on Gas Laws. I intentionally used the same examples in class as they use in the video, so if you need visuals of these phenomena, the videos are a great resource!

**Any absent student can pick up extra worksheets in the HMO on Friday.