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Happy Holidays!

Everyone should be complete the take home test over break. There are lots of resources at the bottom of the blog, and there is a balancing equations simulator, which can be found below under 'Phet Simulations'.

This video will also help you with balancing equations:
balancing chemical equations

Kairos guys, check your email!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 19

Section 10: Watch these videos, then write the reaction types for #1-8 on page 2 of your blue packet
Chemical Reactions with the Flinstones
5 Major Chemical Reactions

Sections 9 & 11: Your answer keys from the blue packet can be found under the 'Homework Documents' section. (bottom of the page)

Good luck on your take-home assignment!

Tuesday, December 18

Sections 8 & 11: Indicate the type of reactions for letters a through m.
a)     Na3PO4 + 3 KOH à 3 NaOH + K3PO4
b)     MgCl2 + Li2CO3 à MgCO3 + 2 LiCl
c)      C6H12 + 9 O2 à 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
d)     Pb + FeSO4 à PbSO4 + Fe
e)     CaCO3 à CaO + CO2
f)        P4 + 3 O2 à 2 P2O3
g)     2 RbNO3 + BeF2 à Be(NO3)2 + 2 RbF
h)      2 AgNO3 + Cu à Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag
i)        C3H6O + 4 O2 à 3 CO2 + 3 H2O
j)        2 C5H5 + Fe à Fe(C5H5)2
k)      SeCl6 + O2 à SeO2 + 3Cl2
l)        2 MgI2 + Mn(SO3)2 à 2 MgSO3 + MnI4
m)    O3 à O + O2

Section 9: Watch these videos, then write the reaction types for #1-8 on page 2 of your blue packet
Chemical Reactions with the Flinstones
5 Major Chemical Reactions

Section 10: Finish your chart from class today. All of the tools you need can be found in yesterday's post. Also watch this:
Naming Covalent Compounds

Then try the front side of your blue packet.

Monday, December 17

If you're still confused about VSEPR theory, watch this:

Molecule Builder:

All Sections: Do this...
VSEPR practice

Section 8: Check these out:

Section 11: Here are the formulas for your chart:
1) CH4
2) CH2Cl2
3) H2O 
4) HF
5) NH3
6) N2
7) CO2
8) BF3
9) O2
10) HCN

Friday, December 14

All Sections: Work on your background research!!! Also, watch this video - it's awesome for explaining exceptions to the octet rule!

Thursday, December 13

All Sections: Complete the worksheet you got in class today.

**Start doing your background research for your science fair project!!

Wednesday, December 12

All Sections: A background research outline and an experimental for your science fair project are due next Tuesday (12/18). If you did not get a check plus on your science fair proposal, or if you just have questions for me, you should make an appointment to see me. Sign up sheets for these appointments for the next two days can be on the door of 4K3.

Sections 8 & 10: The terms from last night's homework, plus the terms below are all of the words/phrases you need to complete your covalent bonding map. Define, in your notebook, any term below that you do not already have. Then, use your full list to complete the concept map. Do this is pencil just in case you make a mistake!
  • polar bond
  • non-polar bond
  • s orbital
  • p orbital
  • hybrid orbital
  • sigma bond
  • pi bond
  • double and triple bonds
  • shapes of compounds
  • linear
  • bent
  • trigonal planar
  • trigonal pyramidal
  • tetrahedral

Tuesday, December 11

Section 9 & 10: Use chapter 6 (section 5) of your textbook to define the following words/concepts in your notebook; you will need them for tomorrow's in-class activity:
  • molecular geometry
  • molecular orbitals
  • VSEPR theory
  • hybridization 
  • hybrid orbitals
  • intermolecular forces
  • dipole
  • hydrogen bonding
  • London dispersion fores
Also, tell me why the new topical website photo is a crashing water wave...

***Section 9: See if you can fit any of these terms into your covalent bonding map - do this is pencil just in case you make a mistake!

Section 11: The terms from last night's homework, plus the terms below are all of the words/phrases you need to complete your covalent bonding map. Define, in your notebook, any term below that you do not already have. Then, use your full list to complete the concept map. Do this is pencil just in case you make a mistake!
  • polar bond
  • non-polar bond
  • s orbital
  • p orbital
  • hybrid orbital
  • sigma bond
  • pi bond
  • double and triple bonds
  • shapes of compounds
    • linear
    • bent
    • trigonal planar
    • trigonal pyramidal
    • tetrahedral 

Monday, December 10

Sections 8 & 11: Use chapter 6 (section 5) of your textbook to define the following words/concepts in your notebook; you will need them for tomorrow's in-class activity:

  • molecular geometry
  • molecular orbitals
  • VESPR theory
  • hybridization 
  • hybrid orbitals
  • intermolecular forces
  • dipole
  • hydrogen bonding
  • London dispersion fores

Friday, December 7

Sections 9-11: Study for Monday's quiz.
Topics - Ionic and covalent bonding, Lewis structures, ionic formula writing and naming.

These worksheets will help you study:

Also, use your notes and homeworks. Stop by Monday morning in 3K2 with questions. 

Thursday, December 6

Sections 8: Finish the worksheet from today's class and study for tomorrow's quiz.
Topics - Ionic and covalent bonding, Lewis structures, ionic formula writing and naming. Problems 55-58, 64, 66 and 67 on page 213 in your textbook will help you study.

Sections 10: Study for your quiz on Monday.
Topics - Ionic and covalent bonding, Lewis structures, ionic formula writing and naming. Problems 55-58, 64, 66 and 67 on page 213 in your textbook will help you study.

Sections 9 & 11: You will find the Ionic Formula Chart under 'Homework Documents'. Use it to complete the lab, and answer the following questions (these can be done in your notebook):

1) Write the chemical formula for the following compounds:
a. Lithium Iodide
b. Tin (II) Nitrite
c. Cobalt (III) Oxide
d. Silver Bromide
e. Lead (II) Nitride

2) Name the following compounds:
a. NH4Cl
b. Fe(NO3)3
c. Al(CN)3
d. Pb(SO4)2
e. Cu3P

Wednesday, December 5

Section 8: You will find the Ionic Formula Chart under 'Homework Documents'. Use it to complete the lab, and answer the following questions (these can be done in your notebook):

1) Write the chemical formula for the following compounds:
a. Lithium Iodide
b. Tin (II) Nitrite
c. Cobalt (III) Oxide
d. Silver Bromide
e. Lead (II) Nitride

2) Name the following compounds:
a. NH4Cl
b. Fe(NO3)3
c. Al(CN)3
d. Pb(SO4)2
e. Cu3P

Sections 9 & 11: Read your lab and be prepared for tomorrow! Also, on page 212 in your textbook, answer questions 55, 56, 58, 64, 66 and 67.

Section 10: Complete the worksheet you got in class today. Also, read pages 190-194 in your textbook and answer Section Review questions 1-5 in your notebook.

Tuesday, December 4

Sections 8, 9 & 11: Read pages 190-194 in your textbook and answer Section Review questions 1-5 in your notebook.

Section 10: You will find the Ionic Formula Chart under 'Homework Documents'. Use it to complete the lab, and answer the following questions (these can be done in your notebook):

1) Write the chemical formula for the following compounds:
a. Lithium Iodide
b. Tin (II) Nitrite
c. Cobalt (III) Oxide
d. Silver Bromide
e. Lead (II) Nitride

2) Name the following compounds:
a. NH4Cl
b. Fe(NO3)3
c. Al(CN)3
d. Pb(SO4)2
e. Cu3P

Monday, December 3

All Sections: I forgot to post the homework until now so... there is no homework! Happy Monday :)