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Thursday, December 6

Sections 8: Finish the worksheet from today's class and study for tomorrow's quiz.
Topics - Ionic and covalent bonding, Lewis structures, ionic formula writing and naming. Problems 55-58, 64, 66 and 67 on page 213 in your textbook will help you study.

Sections 10: Study for your quiz on Monday.
Topics - Ionic and covalent bonding, Lewis structures, ionic formula writing and naming. Problems 55-58, 64, 66 and 67 on page 213 in your textbook will help you study.

Sections 9 & 11: You will find the Ionic Formula Chart under 'Homework Documents'. Use it to complete the lab, and answer the following questions (these can be done in your notebook):

1) Write the chemical formula for the following compounds:
a. Lithium Iodide
b. Tin (II) Nitrite
c. Cobalt (III) Oxide
d. Silver Bromide
e. Lead (II) Nitride

2) Name the following compounds:
a. NH4Cl
b. Fe(NO3)3
c. Al(CN)3
d. Pb(SO4)2
e. Cu3P