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Tuesday, April 30

All Sections: Read textbook page 531-544. Then, answer questions 1-5 on page 544.

Monday, April 29

Sections 8, 9 & 11: Based on your reading (found to the left) and today's video, answer the following questions:

1) To whom does the burden of 'ethics' fall? Scientist doing the research, politicians funding and applying science and technology in policy or philosophers integrating ethics and science?

2) Which of the aforementioned parties do you think have the loudest voice?

3) Is there a way for the scientific community to remain patriotic and pacifistic? 

Be prepared to debate your answers next week. 

Thursday, April 25

Section 8: Today, we started out 'lab' by added 15mL of 1.0 M HCl to a flask. Then we added 75 mL of water.
After this dilution, what is the new molarity of the HCl solution? 
If we used 150 mL of NaOH to reach the endpoint, what was the molarity of the NaOH solution?

Now that you have those numbers, I want you to think about the question I asked you today in class, did the addition of the water effect the outcome of the titration?

Section 9: Complete the worksheet I handed you in class today. Be prompt for class tomorrow. 

Sections 8, 10 and 11: Tomorrow you should come straight to the commons during our class period. I will be near the 1L entrance. Make sure you come straight to find me so I can take attendance and hand you the worksheet you will be doing while at the science fair. DO NOT BE LATE.

**If you are taking a make-up quiz tomorrow meet me in 3K2.

Wednesday, April 24

Sections 8, 10 & 11: Study for your quiz tomorrow! Don't forget to review your acid and base naming! Here's a link to help:

The answer keys to your practice pages can be found under homework docs. **pH key 3 is for section 10 only!**

I will be in 3K2 at 7:45 tomorrow if you have questions.

You will NOT be getting equations on the quiz!

Tuesday, April 23

Sections 8, 10 & 11: Quiz Thursday on calculating concentrations and pH.

Sections 9-11: Complete the worksheet you received in class today. This video will help:

Monday, April 22

Happy Earth Day!
Section 8: We started today's video at 16:00 (can be found below). Reading will be up tomorrow, you should use it to add to your note taking sheet.
The Disappearing Spoon

Section 9: Answer the following questions:
1) How are the various ways we think water formed on early Earth?
2) Describe the theory of water delivery by comet to early Earth.
3) What are the flaws in this theory? Explain and give proof.
4) Look up "heavy water" and give a brief description of it.
5) What are some current and historical uses of heavy water?

Section 10: Answer the following questions:
1) How did Newton picture space?
2) Describe Newtonian space and its interactions with the objects in it.
3) How would Newton explain the skaters arms splaying out as she spins?
4) What is special about the speed of light?

Section 11: Don't forget to send me your data!
Also, look up the difference between distilled and deionized water and write a short explanation in your notebook. Then, explain how/if you think the experiment would have changed if we used distilled, deionized or tap water.
Finally, think about this:
What was the composition of your solution when it reached its endpoint? What types of ions were in there? Was it acidic? Basic? Neutral?

Friday, April 19

Sections 8 & 11: Complete your pH calculations worksheet you started in class today.

All: Don't forget that project boards are due on Tuesday!

Thursday, April 18

All: When completing your SFP paper keep the following in mind:

  • You need to include EVERY part of the project. If you lost the packet I gave out at the beginning of the year, you can find it below under Homework Documents. 
  • Bullet points are not acceptable, except if you want to do a step-wise procedure section. 
  • Data tables and graphs should have TITLES, AXIS LABELS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 
  • I cannot seem to stress this enough, DATA TABLES SHOULD BE INTEGRATED INTO YOUR DISCUSSION. 
  • You must have an abstract (very short - 200 words)
  • Include pictures! (label them as 'Figure 1.', 'Figure 2.', etc.
  • Your conclusion can include how you would modify the experiment to improve it in the future. 

Wednesday, April 17

All Sections: Complete the neutralization reactions worksheet (you either received it in class or can find it at the bottom of the webpage under homework docs).

**Final drafts should include ALL parts of your project. Due date has been moved to Friday at 4pm (hard copy or email).

Tuesday, April 16

Sections 8 & 10: Use chapter 14, section 1 of your textbook to answer section review questions 1-5 on page 476.

Friday, April 12

Sections 9 & 11: Use chapter 14, section 1 of your textbook to answer section review questions 1-5 on page 476.

Science Fair Project Update:

All final drafts are due on Thursday, April 18 - no extensions will be awarded. If you want me to review your draft, edit or help you in any way, I am free Monday from 2:45 -4 in the LC and Tuesday from 2:35-3:30 in 3K2. You can also make an appointment to meet with me during the day.

Early next week, I will be asking some of you to present at the science fair, please be sure to be checking your email.

Thursday, April 11

Section 8: Complete the concept map that you picked up at the end of class.

Also, here's a game to help you study:
Solutions - Rags to Riches

Tomorrow's quiz includes:
-solution term definitions and concept questions
-solubility curve
-calculating molarity and dilutions
-colligative properties

The powerpoint is at the bottom of the website....good luck!

Wednesday, April 10

Section 8: 
  • Complete the dilutions side of the worksheet we started today in class. 
  • Next, click the link below, it will take you to a video on colligative properties. Take notes on the first 3 minutes and 48 seconds (up until osmotic pressure). You need to watch the section on osmotic pressure (until 8:58) but you do not need to take notes on it.
  • Then, using all your notes, complete the back of your dilutions worksheet (heading says "solutions quiz")
      • *Quiz on Friday
Sections 9 & 11: Complete your dilutions worksheet (front and back - you can skip #5) and your concept map.
*Quiz next class

Section 10: Complete your concept map. *Quiz next class.

Tuesday, April 9

Sections 8: Finish your phet simulation lab (including the post lab questions).

Sections 9 & 11: First, follow this link, it will bring you to a set of digital flash cards. Use the cards to fill out the solutions definition worksheet.

Then, watch and take notes on this video:
Molarity vs. Molality
(if you're having trouble accessing the video, you can go to and search for 'molarity vs. molality')

Next, click the link below, it will take you to a video on colligative properties. Take notes on the first 3 minutes and 48 seconds (up until osmotic pressure). You need to watch the section on osmotic pressure (until 8:58) but you do not need to take notes on it.
Colligative Properties

Finally, see how much you know about solutions by playing this game:
Solutions - Rags to Riches

Section 10: Finish the worksheet you started today in class.

All: Quiz on Thursday

Monday, April 8

Section 10:
First, follow this link, it will bring you to a set of digital flash cards. Use the cards to fill out the solutions definition worksheet. 

Then, watch and take notes on this video:
Molarity vs. Molality
(if you're having trouble accessing the video, you can go to and search for 'molarity vs. molality')

Next, click the link below, it will take you to a video on colligative properties. Take notes on the first 3 minutes and 48 seconds (up until osmotic pressure). You need to watch the section on osmotic pressure (until 8:58) but you do not need to take notes on it.
Colligative Properties

Finally, see how much you know about solutions by playing this game:
Solutions - Rags to Riches