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Monday, November 25

Section 1: Complete the following in the packet I handed out in class today:
Page 1 - All
Page 2- 2, 3, 4, 7
Page 3- 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23

And - STUDY your TRENDS!

Section 2: Complete the following in the packet I handed out in class today:
Page 1 - 1-4
Page 2- 2, 3, 4
Also, draw the formula for the following ionic compounds in your notebook:
1) Potassium sulfide
2) Magnesium nitride
3) Barium Oxide
4) Lithium Chloride

And - STUDY your TRENDS!

Sections 3, 6 & 7: Study your trends. The videos for the bonus questions are below. You may also want to consult the packet that I gave out in class to help you prepare for any bonus questions. DO NOT LOSE THAT PACKET - WE WILL USE IT WHEN WE RETURN FROM BREAK.

All: Here are some helpful videos:
Writing Ionic Formulas: Introduction
Writing Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

**Quality Ch. 5 Outlines can be found at the bottom of the page!**

*I'll be in 4K3 at 7:40 tomorrow*