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Friday, January 31

Sections 3 & 6: Complete the back of the baking soda/vinegar lab. Also, see yesterday's posts for sections 1 & 2 for the assignment due next Thursday.

Kairos Students: Welcome back! Watch the videos below and then complete the Quia assignment 'Stoich Check-In'. Make sure to read the instructions carefully!! You must complete the quia assignment by Wednesday.
Stoich Help 1
Stoich Help 2

Thursday, January 30

Sections 1 & 2: Under homework docs, you will find the case study you must complete, on loose-leaf, by next Thursday. You will also need the information in this photo (the ruler reads 8 in)....

Section 3: Complete the worksheet you started for homework last night.
Here's an example of a mass to mass conversion problem (#5B):

Section 6: Answer the following questions on a piece of loose-leaf paper: 

1. Calculate the mass, in grams, of 5.00 mol lead oxide (PbO)     
2. Calculate the number of molecules in 0.700 g sodium bromide (NaBr)   
3. Calculate the amount of grams in 0.950 mol hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
4. Calculate the number of molecules in 6.00 mol beryllium fluoride (BeF)  
5. Given the following equation: 2 K + Cl2 ---> 2 KCl

a. How many grams of KCl is produced from 2.50 g of K and excess Cl2 ?

b. How many grams of KCl is produced from 1.00 g of Cl2 and excess K ?

6. Given the following equation: Na2O + H2O ---> 2 NaOH

a. How many grams of NaOH is produced from 1.20 x 102 grams of Na2O?

b How many grams of Na2O are required to produce 1.60 x 102 grams of NaOH?

Section 7: Complete the worksheet you received at the end of class today.

Wednesday, January 29

Sections 1, 2 & 6: Complete the Stoich WS #1 that we worked on in class today.
Here's an example of a mass to mass conversion problem (#5B):

Section 7: Complete these 3 problems in your notebook. Use a pencil!!!

1. Write the balanced equation for the combustion of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). 
If 3.662 moles of ethyl alcohol are burned, how many moles of water can be formed?

2. Given: 2 Al(s) + 6 HCl(aq) ® 2 AlCl3(aq) + 3 H2(g)
How many grams of aluminum must be used to produce 5.00 grams of hydrogen gas?

3. Using the equation in question 2 above, how many moles of aluminum chloride can be obtained from the reaction of 25.7 g of hydrochloric acid?

Tuesday, January 28

Sections 1, 2, 3 & 6: Write out the balanced chemical equations (part A) for all questions on the Stoichiometry WS #1. Also answer 3a & b (use your solubility chart) DO NOT do any other step!!

Section 7: Answer the following questions on a piece of loose-leaf paper:

1)        How many molecules are there in 0.655 moles of C6 H14?

2)        How many moles are there in 2.35 x 1024 molecules of water?

3)        How many grams does 5.60 x 1022 molecules of SiO2 weigh?

4)        How many molecules are there in 21.6 grams of CH4?

Monday, January 27

 All Sections: Complete the worksheet from  class today and answer the 3 questions below:
1)      How many moles are in 3.4 x 1023 molecules of H2SO4?
2)      How many molecules are in 25 g of NH3?
3)      How many grams are in 8.2 x 1022 molecules of N2I6?

Friday, January 24

All Sections: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Stoich Part 2

Thursday, January 23

Section 3: 
1) Complete the Mole worksheet from class today
2) Watch and take notes on the following video:
Intro to Stoichiometry

Section 6: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Stoich Part 2

Tuesday, January 21

Sections 1, 2, 6 & 7: 
1) Complete the Mole worksheet from class today
2) Watch and take notes on the following video:
Intro to Stoichiometry

Thursday, January 9

Sections 1 & 2: Assign states of matter for all substances in questions 6-11 in last night's homework AND complete the worksheet handed out at the end of class.

Section 3: Complete the packet we started today in class.

Section 6: Using the charts you got in class today, assign states of matter for all substances in questions 5-11 in last night's homework worksheet (the one that started with the 4 combustion reactions) AND complete the worksheet handed out at the end of class (states of matter should also be assigned when writing the equations in 7-10).

Section 7: Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today. 

Wednesday, January 8

Sections 1, 2 & 7: Complete the worksheet you got at the end of class today.

Section 3: Assign states of matter for all substances in questions 6-11 in last night's homework AND complete the worksheet handed out at the end of class.

Monday, January 6

Sections 1, 2, 6 & 7: Watch and take notes on the following video
Types of Chemical Reactions
If you feel you need extra review on this, here's a fun video that relates chemical reactions to the Flintstones:
Flintstones Chemical Reactions
Finally, the answer key to the balancing equations worksheet is at the bottom of the page.

Section 3: Complete the word equations worksheet given out in class today. Feel free to watch the videos above, if you need a refresher on chemical reaction types.