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Thursday, January 30

Sections 1 & 2: Under homework docs, you will find the case study you must complete, on loose-leaf, by next Thursday. You will also need the information in this photo (the ruler reads 8 in)....

Section 3: Complete the worksheet you started for homework last night.
Here's an example of a mass to mass conversion problem (#5B):

Section 6: Answer the following questions on a piece of loose-leaf paper: 

1. Calculate the mass, in grams, of 5.00 mol lead oxide (PbO)     
2. Calculate the number of molecules in 0.700 g sodium bromide (NaBr)   
3. Calculate the amount of grams in 0.950 mol hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
4. Calculate the number of molecules in 6.00 mol beryllium fluoride (BeF)  
5. Given the following equation: 2 K + Cl2 ---> 2 KCl

a. How many grams of KCl is produced from 2.50 g of K and excess Cl2 ?

b. How many grams of KCl is produced from 1.00 g of Cl2 and excess K ?

6. Given the following equation: Na2O + H2O ---> 2 NaOH

a. How many grams of NaOH is produced from 1.20 x 102 grams of Na2O?

b How many grams of Na2O are required to produce 1.60 x 102 grams of NaOH?

Section 7: Complete the worksheet you received at the end of class today.