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Friday, February 28

Sections 1, 2, 6 & 7: Use this great video by Ms. Foote to complete the worksheet I gave you in class:
Phase Change Diagram

Thursday, February 27

Sections 1 & 2: Finish your lab. Then, using the reading from last night, complete the worksheet in the 'Homework Documents' section.

Section 3: Complete the phase diagram packet

Section 7: First, using the reading from last night, answers these questions in your notebook: 
1) Define the following: 
Phase Diagram

Triple Point

Critical Point

Critical Temperature

Critical Pressure

2) Explain the relationship between the molar enthalpy of fusion of a solid and the strength of the attraction between that solid’s particles. 

Then, complete the worksheet in the 'Homework Documents' section. 

Wednesday, February 26

Section 3: First, using the reading you did last night, complete the first page (front side only) of the packet you picked up at the end of class. 
Then, answers these questions in your notebook: 
1) Define the following: 
Phase Diagram

Triple Point-

Critical Point

Critical Temperature

Critical Pressure

2) Explain the relationship between the molar enthalpy of fusion of a solid and the strength of the attraction between that solid’s particles. 

Section 6: Finish your lab. Then, using the reading from last night, complete the worksheet in the 'Homework Documents' section. 

Tuesday, February 25

All Sections: 
1) Use pages 329-332 of your textbook to complete the 'Gases' section of your chart and to write about Kinetic Molecular Theory and Ideal Gases (space is provided for you below the chart)

2) Read pages 342 - 348 and answer questions 1-6 on page 348 in your notebook.

Monday, February 24

All: Continue to work on your background research and experimental design. Don't forget that your group's hard copy is due March 7th!

Friday, February 14

All: An interesting article about new advances in science:
Solar Power
Also, you can do quiz corrections for Monday's quiz. They are due when we get back from break.

Sections 3 & 7: You can do quiz corrections for Monday's quiz. They are due when we get back from break.
Also, don't forget to create your google docs and invite me! If you have been already using one for your project, you can just invite me to that one.

All: When you're looking to tell your valentine that they are oh so Fluorine, Iodine and Neon, these will help:

Have a great break!

Thursday, February 13

All Sections: Study!! Also, check your email!

Wednesday, February 12

Sections 1&2: Complete the empirical and molecular formula worksheet. Also, don't forget to create your google docs and invite me! If you have been already using one for your project, you can just invite me to that one.

Section 3: Complete last night's worksheet and questions 1-4 on the 'empirical formulas' side of the new worksheet.

Section 7: Complete the following problems in your notebook:

1) Calculate the empirical formula for a compound that is 42.9% C and 57.1% O.

2) Calculate the empirical formula for a compound that is 71.72% Cl, 16.16% O, and 12.12% C.

3) Calculate the empirical formula of a compound that is 32.00% C, 42.66% O, 18.67% N, and 6.67% H.

4) Calculate the empirical formula of a compound that is 40.0% C, 6.67% H, and 53.3% O.

Tuesday, February 11

Section 3: Complete questions 1-4 & 9 on the empirical and molecular formula worksheet

Section 6: Complete the empirical and molecular formula worksheet. Also, don't forget to create your google docs and invite me! If you have been already using one for your project, you can just invite me to that one.

Monday, February 10

All: Watch and take notes on this video:
Percent Composition

Friday, February 7

All Sections: Quiz on Monday! Study molar mass calculations, gram, mole and molecule conversions, theoretical yield, percent yield and percent error.

Thursday, February 6

Section 1: Complete the back of your lab and the Percent, Actual and Theoretical Yield worksheet.

Section 2: Complete the Percent, Actual and Theoretical Yield worksheet.

Section 3: Complete the worksheet we started in class AND the stoich worksheet I handed out at the end of class.

Section 6: Complete the Percent, Actual and Theoretical Yield worksheet AND #5 on the stoich worksheet you got at the end of class.

Section 7: Complete the back of your lab and the Percent, Actual and Theoretical Yield worksheet.