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Wednesday, February 12

Sections 1&2: Complete the empirical and molecular formula worksheet. Also, don't forget to create your google docs and invite me! If you have been already using one for your project, you can just invite me to that one.

Section 3: Complete last night's worksheet and questions 1-4 on the 'empirical formulas' side of the new worksheet.

Section 7: Complete the following problems in your notebook:

1) Calculate the empirical formula for a compound that is 42.9% C and 57.1% O.

2) Calculate the empirical formula for a compound that is 71.72% Cl, 16.16% O, and 12.12% C.

3) Calculate the empirical formula of a compound that is 32.00% C, 42.66% O, 18.67% N, and 6.67% H.

4) Calculate the empirical formula of a compound that is 40.0% C, 6.67% H, and 53.3% O.