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Friday, May 30

Section 6: Complete the bond line drawing worksheet from class

All Sections:
1) Orgo answer keys can be found under homework docs.

2) Start studying for the final! I suggest starting with Stoichiometry, Limiting Reagent and Theoretical/Percent Yield this weekend.
Here are links to Stoich videos:
Also, if you click on any document under homework docs (make is full screen), you'll see there's a link with the title 'OneDrive' in the upper left corner. If you click on it, you will be able to get any worksheet I've posted all year. 
Same is true if you click on 'Slideshare' under the PPT. If you follow the link to my username (tanzmanj) you will see every PPT from this year. 

*If you start studying now and only do one or two topics a day, you will never feel overwhelmed and you will kick butt on the final!* 

Happy Studying! 

Thursday, May 29

Section 1, 2 & 3: Complete the following questions on the bond-line-drawing worksheet (read instructions carefully!!)
On the Alkanes side:
*Name all drawings (1-8)
*Draw 1, 2, 5-8
On the Alkenes side:
*Name all drawings (1-8)
*Draw 9-11, 15 & 16

Sections 6 & 7: Complete the Drawing Hyrdrocarbons worksheet - don't worry about any problems that say "cyclo"

Wednesday, May 28

Sections 1, 2 & 3: Complete the Drawing Hyrdrocarbons worksheet

Section 7: Watch and take notes on this video:
Naming Alkanes

Tuesday, May 27

Sections 3 & 6: Watch and take notes on this video:
Naming Alkanes
Also, complete the packet we started in class, if you have not done so already

Thursday, May 22

All: Study for tomorrow's quiz!
*Nuclear Decay (here's a link for extra practice: Nuclear Decay Practice)
*Nuclear Fission and Fusion (video if you want to re-watch it: Fission)
*Half-Life (answer keys are under homework docs)

Wednesday, May 21

Sections 1, 2, 3 & 7:
1) Complete the fusion reading and worksheet from class today
2) Watch and take notes on the following videos:
Half Life Intro (Watch all)
Half Life Calculations (Watch the first 1:24, and from time 3:16 to 4:44 ONLY - don't worry about % or fractions)

Section 6: 
1) Complete the assignment under homework docs
2) Watch and take notes on this video:
Half Life Intro

Tuesday, May 20

Sections 6 & 7: 
1) Finish the worksheet we started in class today
2) Use pages 686 & 687 in your textbook, and your knowledge from class to complete the Nuclear Decay worksheet under Homework Docs

Sections 1, 2 & 3:
1)Watch and take notes the following video:
Nuclear Fission
2) Read Ch 21, Section 4 and answer the section review questions (1-4)

Monday, May 19

Section 1: 
1) Under Homework Docs you will find your peer's answers to the worksheet from today's class. There are 4 them!
2) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.
3) Use pages 686 & 687 in your textbook, and your knowledge from class to complete the Nuclear Decay worksheet under Homework Docs

Section 2: 
1) Complete the nuclear decay worksheet from class today
2) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.
3) Use pages 686 & 687 in your textbook, and your knowledge from class to complete the Nuclear Decay worksheet under Homework Docs

Section 3: 
1) Look at the graph you made today in class. How is it possible that during a beta decay, a proton is gained but the mass stays the same? It would make sense if a neutron was emitted, but it was an electron instead. How did an "electron" even get in the nucleus? This is strange, indeed. Think outside the box and try to come up with an explanation!
2) Complete the nuclear decay worksheet from class today
3) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.

Section 7: 
1) Please watch the following video - it review's today's lesson content:
Nuclear Intro Review
2) Complete quiz corrections if you have not already
3) Complete the worksheet Mr. Russo handed out in class
4) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.

Friday, May 16

Section 3: Complete the homework posted on Wednesday (on loose-leaf!). Also, quiz corrections are due on Monday.

Section 6: Finish your graph from today. Also, go back and fix the Chapter 21 textbook homework.

Thursday, May 15

Section 6: Make sure you've completed the HW from yesterday, as we will go over it tomorrow. Also, quiz corrections due tomorrow.

Section 7: Make sure you've completed the HW from yesterday, as we will go over it tomorrow. Also, please come pick up your quiz before the weekend so you can do corrections! Tomorrow, I will be in my office 4th and 5th periods, 4K3 6-8th and my office after school!

All: Extra Credit Opportunities! 

#1: Discussion on last Sunday's Cosmos, after school tomorrow in 3L5. 

#2: (due Tuesday, May 20)

Watch the video from the link below. Then, answer these questions:
1. Why is element 114 so important? What would it help us to learn about chemistry?

2. Why do you think we skip right over element 113? What makes 114 a more practical goal?

3. What did Glen Seaborg mean by the Sea of Instability?

4. Why didn’t Seaborg’s method work to create elements beyond number 102?

5. What do they mean by “bowling elements”? Which elements did they use in this method and why? 

**All work must be typed, TNR, 12pt font.**

Wednesday, May 14

All Sections: Read Chapter 21, Section 1 and answer the Section Review problems in your notebook. (Even if you missed class today because of an AP test!)

Also, here is a great video on mass defect and E=mc2. You don't need to take notes on it, but you should watch it.
Mass Defect

Tuesday, May 13

All Sections: Study for your Redox quiz!

Here's a video to help:
Redox Review

Also, check under homework docs for other study tools! Email me if you have questions!

Monday, May 12

All: Complete the following problems on the Redox Reactions worksheet:

**You may want to use Chapter 19 in your textbook as a reference!**

*Answer key from weekend homework has been posted + RedOx powerpoint*

Friday, May 9

Sections 1&2: Complete the assignment below in your notebook. Be sure to write out each reaction equation, assign oxidation states and then write the half reactions.

*In each of the following equations, indicate the element that has been oxidized and the one that has been reduced and write the corresponding half reactions:

1)         2 Na + FeCl2 à 2 NaCl + Fe
2)         2 PbS + 3 O2 à 2 SO2 + 2 PbO
3)         2 H2 + O2 à 2 H2
4)         Cu + HNO3 à CuNO3 + H2
5)         AgNO3 + Cu à CuNO3 + Ag

Sections 3 & 7: Complete your RedOx worksheet 

Thursday, May 8

Section 6: Complete the assignment below in your notebook. Be sure to write out each reaction equation, assign oxidation states and then write the half reactions.

*In each of the following equations, indicate the element that has been oxidized and the one that has been reduced and write the corresponding half reactions:

1)         2 Na + FeCl2 à 2 NaCl + Fe
2)         2 PbS + 3 O2 à 2 SO2 + 2 PbO
3)         2 H2 + O2 à 2 H2
4)         Cu + HNO3 à CuNO3 + H2
5)         AgNO3 + Cu à CuNO3 + Ag

Tuesday, May 6

All: Quiz tomorrow!

  • Factors that effect the rate of reaction 
  • Potential Energy Graphs
  • Hess's Law problems
  • LeChatlier's Principle (**Use worksheet under homework docs!**)
  • Specific Heat Capacity 

Monday, May 5

Section 7: Here is today's SIM:

Once you have completed your worksheet, watch and take notes on the following:
Le Chatelier's Principle
Specific Heat

Sections 1, 2, 3 & 6: Watch and take notes on the following:
Le Chatelier's Principle
Specific Heat

Thursday, May 1

All: Complete the Hess's Law Worksheet on loose-leaf.
REMEMBER - we are meeting for class in the commons tomorrow!