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Monday, May 19

Section 1: 
1) Under Homework Docs you will find your peer's answers to the worksheet from today's class. There are 4 them!
2) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.
3) Use pages 686 & 687 in your textbook, and your knowledge from class to complete the Nuclear Decay worksheet under Homework Docs

Section 2: 
1) Complete the nuclear decay worksheet from class today
2) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.
3) Use pages 686 & 687 in your textbook, and your knowledge from class to complete the Nuclear Decay worksheet under Homework Docs

Section 3: 
1) Look at the graph you made today in class. How is it possible that during a beta decay, a proton is gained but the mass stays the same? It would make sense if a neutron was emitted, but it was an electron instead. How did an "electron" even get in the nucleus? This is strange, indeed. Think outside the box and try to come up with an explanation!
2) Complete the nuclear decay worksheet from class today
3) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.

Section 7: 
1) Please watch the following video - it review's today's lesson content:
Nuclear Intro Review
2) Complete quiz corrections if you have not already
3) Complete the worksheet Mr. Russo handed out in class
4) Fix questions #3 from the textbook homework from last week (pg. 684), if need be.