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Science Fair Links/ Tuesday, September 30

All: Below you can find helpful links for your SRP

To help you round out your project ideas:

Some inspiration! Winning Project

Section 3: 
*Make sure your colored periodic table is perfect! (here's the link again if you need it:
*Build an Atom worksheet due tomorrow. Simulation can be found under 'Phet Simulations' to the left, below
*Typed SRP proposal is due Friday, and you will present your ideas to the class. Be ready! Use the links above for help.

Sections 4 & 4H: 
*Make sure your colored periodic table is perfect! (here's the link again if you need it:
*Adopt an Element is due Thursday. Assignment has been posted under Homework Docs if you need a new copy.
*Typed SRP proposal is due Friday, and you will present your ideas to the class. Be ready! Use the links above for help.
*Build an Atom worksheet due Monday (bring them to my office on 3L). Simulation can be found under 'Phet Simulations' to the left, below.

Monday, September 22

All: Tonight you will begin work on your science research project (SRP). Your research group is your lab table.
Whoever you assigned to create the google doc should share it with the entire group and with me. Then, you should all start doing research.
Each person needs to add a project idea to the doc, which should fall under one of the categories listed below. Your project idea should include a testable question and at least 2 links to articles related to your idea/topic. This is your way of sharing your interests with your group and with me.
Each person will be graded individually.

1. Redox Fuel Cells(STEM)
2. Organic Compounds
3. Energy and Thermodynamics
4. Chemical Analysis
5. Food Analysis
6. Solutions and Electrolytics
7. Biofuel Extraction and Cell Creation
8. Effects of Pesticides on the Environment and Health
9. Solar Power

Section 4: Here is the Mythbusters video so you can finish your worksheet:
James Bond Exploding Pen - Mythbusters

Friday, September 19

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the Accuracy and Precision worksheet you got in class today and watch and take notes on this video:
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Thursday, September 18

Section 3H: Complete the Accuracy and Precision worksheet you got in class today and watch and take notes on this video:
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Answer keys can always be found under 'Homework Documents' below :)

Wednesday, September 17

All: It's time to start thinking about our science research topics! On Friday or Monday (depending on your section), you will need to come to class with an informal project idea. You should try to have your project fall under one of these categories:

1. Redox Fuel Cells(STEM)
2. Organic Compounds
3. Energy and Thermodynamics
4. Chemical Analysis
5. Food Analysis
6. Solutions and Electrolytics
7. Biofuel Extraction and Cell Creation
8. Effects of Pesticides on the Environment and Health
9. Solar Power

Section 3H: Watch and take notes on the following:
Accuracy, Precision & Percent Error

Section 4 & 4H: Finish the rest of your packet. If you're having trouble, this video should help: Dimensional Analysis
Also, study for Friday's quiz! It will include unit conversion, scientific notation and sig figs. You can find the answer key to the homework packet under 'Homework Documents' below. 

Monday, September 15

Section 3H: Finish the rest of your packet. If you're having trouble, this video should help:
Dimensional Analysis
Also, study for Wednesday's quiz! It will include unit conversion, scientific notation and sig figs.

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the 1st page of your packet (front and back), the front of page two and 1-20 on the back of page two. This video should help:

Friday, September 12

Sections 4 & 4H: Finish your Metric Mania worksheet and watch and take notes on the following video:
Intro to Sci Notation and Sig Figs

Thursday, September 11

Section 3H: Complete the 1st page of your packet (front and back), the front of page two and 1-20 on the back of page two.

Wednesday, September 10

Section 3H: Finish your Metric Mania worksheet and watch and take notes on the following video:
Intro to Sci Notation and Sig Figs

Sections 4H & 4: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Scientific Units

Tuesday, September 9

All Sections: This webpage is going to be your key to success in chemistry. Everything you need, you can find here! You should check the website EVERYDAY! (In fact, bookmark it right now).

Your first assignment is to find an object in your house that you can measure in three different ways. What the heck does that mean??? Well, think of yourself, for example. You can tell someone how tall you are, how heavy you are, how much space you take up. Even though all of these things are descriptive of you, they would all be measured in very different ways.
Once you've chosen your object, write in your binder the following information*:

What is it?
Why did you choose it?
1st measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.
2nd measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.
3rd measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.

*BUT WAIT, THERE'S A CATCH! At least two of you measuring tools must be 'non-traditional'! (no rulers, scales, etc)
**Make sure to include units and be as accurate as possible!

Also, don't forget,tomorrow you have to hand in your 'rules, requirements & rewards' input slip! 

Monday, September 8

Section 3H: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Scientific Units

Welcome to Chemistry!

This webpage is going to be your key to success in chemistry. Everything you need, you can find here! You should check the website EVERYDAY! (In fact, bookmark it right now).

Your first assignment is to find an object in your house that you can measure in three different ways. What the heck does that mean??? Well, think of yourself, for example. You can tell someone how tall you are, how heavy you are, how much space you take up. Even though all of these things are descriptive of you, they would all be measured in very different ways.
Once you've chosen your object, write in your binder the following information*:

What is it?
Why did you choose it?
1st measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.
2nd measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.
3rd measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.

*BUT WAIT, THERE'S A CATCH! At least two of you measuring tools must be 'non-traditional'! (no rulers, scales, etc)
**Make sure to include units and be as accurate as possible!

Also, don't forget, if you have not already handed in your 'rules & rewards' input slip, you must do so at the beginning of class on Monday!