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Monday, September 22

All: Tonight you will begin work on your science research project (SRP). Your research group is your lab table.
Whoever you assigned to create the google doc should share it with the entire group and with me. Then, you should all start doing research.
Each person needs to add a project idea to the doc, which should fall under one of the categories listed below. Your project idea should include a testable question and at least 2 links to articles related to your idea/topic. This is your way of sharing your interests with your group and with me.
Each person will be graded individually.

1. Redox Fuel Cells(STEM)
2. Organic Compounds
3. Energy and Thermodynamics
4. Chemical Analysis
5. Food Analysis
6. Solutions and Electrolytics
7. Biofuel Extraction and Cell Creation
8. Effects of Pesticides on the Environment and Health
9. Solar Power

Section 4: Here is the Mythbusters video so you can finish your worksheet:
James Bond Exploding Pen - Mythbusters