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Wednesday, November 12

All: Pink worksheet is due next class, front and back.

3H: Test corrections due tomorrow.

Honors Students: Infographic Due on Friday (for section 3H you can email them or drop them off before school, 4th or 6th periods to my office on 3L). Here's what you need to know:

• Goals:
– Visually represent one or more trends in the Periodic table of Elements
– Relate trends to electron configuration
• Directions
Here are the things you need:

  1. You need a pictorial representation or infograph of  one or more of the period trends we've discussed in class.
  2. Your infograph can be 2-dimentional or 3-dimentional, physical or digital. 
  3. You need a written definition of atomic radius, electronegativity and ionization energy, including how each property is related to electron configuration and valence electrons. 
  4. The written descriptions can either be on your infograph of on a separate paper that you turn in with your infograph. 
**Please note that I have seen the infographs that exist for periodic trends on the internet. Be sure not to plagiarize!
***You will be graded on creativity, neatness and the quality of written descriptions.