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Thursday, January 29

All: Outlines are due tomorrow. I need one hard copy per group. Make sure to include a works cited page (MLA format). If your section doesn't meet tomorrow, I need your outline by 2:40 pm.

Section 4: Complete the back of the worksheet we started yesterday.

Section 4H: Use your new 'cheat sheets' to go back over last night's homework.

Wednesday, January 28

Section 4H: Complete the worksheet we started in class today (both sides).

Section 4: Complete the FRONT side of the worksheet we started in class today. This video will help:
Stoich Part III

Monday, January 26

Section 3H: Complete the worksheet we started in class today (both sides). 

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the following problems in your notebook:

Part 1: Mole ←→ Mass Conversions
Convert the following number of moles of chemical into its corresponding mass in grams.
1. 0.436 moles of ammonium chloride
2. 2.360 moles of lead (II) oxide
3. 0.031 moles of aluminium iodide

Convert the following masses into their corresponding number of moles.
4. 23.5 g of sodium chloride
5. 0.778 g of sodium cyanide
6. 0.250 g of water

Part 2: Moles ←→ Number of Particles Conversions
Convert the following number of moles into their corresponding number of molecules.
7. 0.0455 moles of hydrochloric acid
8. 1.2 moles of glucose (C6H12O6)

For Monday, January 26

Section 3H: Complete the worksheet we started in class today, and take notes on this video:
Intro to Stoich
Sections 4 & 4H: Use this video to complete the back of the worksheet we started in class:
Stoich Part 2
I HIGHLY encourage you to take note on this video. Also, you don't need to answer the questions at the end of the video.

All: Don't forget, you have an outline due on Friday! (see post from 1/16)

Wednesday, January 21

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the worksheet we started in class today, and take notes on this video:
Intro to Stoich

Friday, January 16

All: Use your new pink reference sheet to write, balance and give the states of matter for the following. Don't forget, not every single displacement reaction will actually take place... 

1. Potassium and chlorine combine to form potassium chloride.

2. Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form...

3. Calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid react to form calcium phosphate and water.

4. Copper and sulfuric acid react to form copper (II) sulfate and water and sulfur dioxide.

5. Potassium sulfate reacts with magnesium to form... 

All: It's time to revisit our Science Research Project. On Friday, January 30th, you will hand in an outline of your background research. I only need one copy per group. It MUST include citations. How to structure your outline is below. You should have already complied some relevant materials, so now you're starting to synthesize. I recommend starting ASAP.

  1. Introduction

    1. Statement of the Problem/Testable Question
    2. Definition of Terms Required for Understanding of Topic
    3. Theoretical Framework**
    4. Methodology (basic sense of your experimental design)
      1. Type of Research
      2. Respondents
      3. Questionnaire
    5. Hypothesis
    6. Scope and Limitations
    7. Significance of the Study
**The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under study exists. Essentially, your background research or a review of related literature.

Thursday, January 15

Section 4H: Tidy up your lab - make sure it's perfect, as I'll be collecting it tomorrow!

Section 4: Tidy up your lab - make sure it's perfect, as I'll be collecting it tomorrow! Also, study for your quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 14

Section 3H: Complete the worksheet under 'Homework Documents'.

Tuesday, January 13

All: Complete your lab packet - I will collect it next class. 

Section 3H: Give this a shot in your notebook:
Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance. If products are not given, predict them. For each reaction, specify the reaction type:

1) Zinc and lead (II) nitrate react to form zinc nitrate and lead.

2) Aluminum bromide and chlorine gas react to form aluminum chloride and bromine gas.

3) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form ....

4) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form ....

Section 4: Give this a shot in your notebook:
Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance. If products are not given, predict them. For each reaction, specify the reaction type:

1) Zinc and lead (II) nitrate react to form zinc nitrate and lead.

2) Aluminum bromide and chlorine gas react to form aluminum chloride and bromine gas.

3) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form ....

4) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form ....

5) Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form ....

6) Calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid react to form calcium phosphate and water.

7) Copper and sulfuric acid react to form copper (II) sulfate and water and sulfur dioxide.

8) Hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and nitrogen gas.

Section 4H:
Complete and balance the following chemical equations.

1.  ____ Na +____ I2 ® 

2.  ____ KClO3 ® 

3.  ____ K3PO4 + ____ HCl ® 

4.  ____ C3H8 + ____ O2 ® 

Friday, January 9

Section 3H: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Balancing Equations

Section 4: Complete the balancing worksheet you got at the end of class today. Here are some videos if you're feeling stuck:
Balancing Equations
Balancing Combustion Reactions

Section 4H: Complete all worksheets from class today (if you have not already) INCLUDING all the combustion reactions from Part I of the Ch. 8 worksheet (this video may help: Balancing Combustion Reactions). Then complete the following:

Write the word equations below as chemical equations and balance. If products are not given, predict them. For each reaction, specify the reaction type:

1) Zinc and lead (II) nitrate react to form zinc nitrate and lead.

2) Aluminum bromide and chlorine gas react to form aluminum chloride and bromine gas.

3) Sodium phosphate and calcium chloride react to form ....

4) Potassium metal and chlorine gas combine to form ....

5) Aluminum and hydrochloric acid react to form ....

6) Calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid react to form calcium phosphate and water.

7) Copper and sulfuric acid react to form copper (II) sulfate and water and sulfur dioxide.

8) Hydrogen gas and nitrogen monoxide react to form water and nitrogen gas.

Thursday, January 8

Section 4: Complete the worksheet under 'Homework Documents'. Don't worry about where it says to 'balance' - we'll do that tomorrow in class.

Section 4H: Watch and take notes on the following video:
Balancing Equations

Wednesday, January 7

Section 3H: On the worksheet we completed today in class, indicate for each question (1-12) which type of chemical reaction is being represented. Then, complete Part E in the packet we started in class yesterday. Finally, write the reaction equations for the following (be sure to indicate which type of reaction it is as well):

1) Magnesium metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid magnesium oxide.
2) Sulfur dioxide gas reacts with gaseous water to produce aqueous hydrogen sulfite.
3) Solid calcium carbonate reacts to form solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
4) Potassium chlorate reacts to form potassium chloride and oxygen.

Tuesday, January 6

Section 3H: Take notes on the following video:
Writing Chemical Equations

Section 4H: On the worksheet we completed today in class, indicate for each question (1-12) which type of chemical reaction is being represented. Then, complete Part E in the packet we started in class yesterday. Finally, write the reaction equations for the following:

1) Magnesium metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid magnesium oxide.
2) Sulfur dioxide gas reacts with gaseous water to produce aqueous hydrogen sulfite.
3) Solid calcium carbonate reacts to form solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
4) Potassium chlorate reacts to form potassium chloride and oxygen.

Section 4: If you have not already, complete the worksheet we started today in class. Then, write the reaction equation (or sentence) for the following:
1) Magnesium metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid magnesium oxide.
2) Sulfur dioxide gas reacts with gaseous water to produce aqueous hydrogen sulfite.
3) Solid calcium carbonate reacts to form solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.
4) Potassium chlorate reacts to form potassium chloride and oxygen gas.
5) Magnesium metal reacts with aqueous hydrochloric acid to produce aqueous magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.
6) Aqueous copper (II) sulfate reacts with magnesium metal to produce copper metal and aqueous
magnesium sulfate.
7) Solid lead (II) sulfide reacts with aqueous hydrochloric acid to produce solid lead (II) chloride and
hydrogen sulfide gas.
8) Cr(NO3)3 + H2S → Cr2S3 + HNO3

Monday, January 5

Sections 4 & 4H: Take notes on the following video:
Writing Chemical Equations