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Monday, January 26

Section 3H: Complete the worksheet we started in class today (both sides). 

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the following problems in your notebook:

Part 1: Mole ←→ Mass Conversions
Convert the following number of moles of chemical into its corresponding mass in grams.
1. 0.436 moles of ammonium chloride
2. 2.360 moles of lead (II) oxide
3. 0.031 moles of aluminium iodide

Convert the following masses into their corresponding number of moles.
4. 23.5 g of sodium chloride
5. 0.778 g of sodium cyanide
6. 0.250 g of water

Part 2: Moles ←→ Number of Particles Conversions
Convert the following number of moles into their corresponding number of molecules.
7. 0.0455 moles of hydrochloric acid
8. 1.2 moles of glucose (C6H12O6)