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Friday, February 27

All: Use this video to help with the packet we started today in class. You should complete problems 1-3, 5, 7, 8 & 9.

Don't forget, test corrections are due Monday, if you have not already handed them in.

Thursday, February 26

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the percent composition worksheet, which can be found under Homework Documents. Test corrections are also due Monday (eligible with 85 or below).

Wednesday, February 25

Section 3H: Complete the percent composition worksheet, which can be found under Homework Documents. Test corrections are also due next class (eligible with 85 or below).

All: Don't forget, you updated background research and your full experimental design are due Tuesday, March 10. If you need a guide, use this:

Friday, February 13

All: EXTRA CREDIT ALERT!! (optional assignment)
Under 'Homework Docs' you will find a document titled Avogadro Goes to Court. Read the document and look at the image below. With the information provided from the doc and the image, you will be able to tell me the cost of a single Aluminium atom!
Do all of your work on neatly on loose-leaf. It's due when we return from break. Good luck!

Wednesday, February 11

All: The Limiting Reagent worksheet (and answer key!) can be found under 'Homework Docs'; FYI many of you already received this worksheet in class. Here is a GREAT video to help you with this worksheet:
Limiting Reagents

Note: you will see some 'fancy' words on this worksheet like "theoretical yield" and "actual yield", don't worry - you're fancy enough to understand them!
The root word in theoretical is theory. Meaning, in theory, if I have 100,000 hot dog buns, how many hot dogs could I sell? Obviously, as we discussed, the answer is 100,000. BUT, if I only order 10,000 hot dogs than my actual yield would be 10,000. In one case (theoretical) we don't factor in limiting reagent, we just do our normal stoichiometry, but in the other (actual) we do! In actual yield we look for the reactant that made the least product and viola! we know how much we can actually make.

Study your stoich for Friday!! :)

Monday, February 9

Sections 4 & 4H: Complete the worksheet you started last week. It's the one that is still under the 'Homework Documents' section below. Complete all problems, front and back.

February 3 - 6

All: On Thursday, you will be asked to calculate the number of atoms in your name, as we discussed in class. You should arrive on time for lab, and you will complete and hand-in your lab to your proctor.
If, for some reason your class is canceled, you MUST pick up a lab from the HMO and complete it in your free time (find some chalk in an empty classroom, ask a science teacher for a scale - you can do this, I believe in you!).  Completed labs should be placed in my mailbox or returned to the HMO.

I recommend, if you complete your lab quickly on Thursday, that you stay until then end of 50 minutes and study stoichiometry with your peers.

By next class please have all of the following complete:

  • Any previously assigned homework worksheet
  • Complete the 'Formula of a Hydrate' lab
  • Watch and take notes on this video:
  • Be prepared to do the following types of conversions
    • Gram to gram
    • Gram to mole
    • Mole to gram
    • Gram to Molecule 
*If you missed today's lab, be sure to pick up a lab manual from me tomorrow before lunch! 

Monday, February 2

Section 4: Complete problems 1, 2, 4 & 5 on the worksheet we started today in class (if you weren't here, you can find the worksheet under 'Homework Documents').

Section 4H: Complete problems 1, 2, 4 & 5 on the worksheet we started today in class (if you weren't here, you can find the worksheet under 'Homework Documents'). Then, watch and take notes on this video:
Limiting Reagent