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Wednesday, February 11

All: The Limiting Reagent worksheet (and answer key!) can be found under 'Homework Docs'; FYI many of you already received this worksheet in class. Here is a GREAT video to help you with this worksheet:
Limiting Reagents

Note: you will see some 'fancy' words on this worksheet like "theoretical yield" and "actual yield", don't worry - you're fancy enough to understand them!
The root word in theoretical is theory. Meaning, in theory, if I have 100,000 hot dog buns, how many hot dogs could I sell? Obviously, as we discussed, the answer is 100,000. BUT, if I only order 10,000 hot dogs than my actual yield would be 10,000. In one case (theoretical) we don't factor in limiting reagent, we just do our normal stoichiometry, but in the other (actual) we do! In actual yield we look for the reactant that made the least product and viola! we know how much we can actually make.

Study your stoich for Friday!! :)