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Friday, May 29

All: Watch and take notes on this video:
Intro to Nuclear Chemistry

**I know it says 'review' but just take notes on everything in the video and I will elaborate on certain things in our next class.

Thursday, May 28

Section 4H: Write half reactions in your notebook for the following problems on the worksheet we did in class today:
9b, d, e, g, h and 10a, b, e

Section 4: Complete the redox worksheet you got in class today.

Tuesday, May 26

All: Use this video to complete the worksheet you got in class today (don't forget that the PPT is at the bottom of the website!)

Thursday, May 21

All: Study!!

*All Acids and Bases, including theories, calculating pH, pOH, etc, neutralization reactions, characteristics
*Thermochem, including Ch 16 + 17 textbook homeworks, q=mcT problems, potential energy graphs, factors effecting reaction energy and rates

**You can pick up the final review packet from the folder on my office door**

Tuesday, May 19

Section 3H: Use Ch. 17, Section 1 to complete the worksheet you received at the end of class today. You should complete the first PE diagram (1-9) and questions 1-5 on the back of worksheet.

Monday, May 18

All: Take notes on pages 568 - 570 of your textbook. Then answer these q = mcΔT problems in your notebook:

1) What is the specific heat of a substance that absorbs 2500 joules of heat when a sample of 100 g of the substance increases in temperature from 10 °C to 70°C

2) How many grams of water would require 2200 joules of heat to raise its temperature from 34°C to 100°C? The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g∙C

3) The specific heat of wood is 2.03 J/g∙°C. How much heat is needed to convert 550 g of wood at -15.0°C to 10.0°C?

4) A 55 kg block of metal has an original temperature of 15.0°C and 0.45 J/g∙°C. What will be the final temperature of this metal if 450 J of heat energy are added?

5) Object A specific heat is 2.45 J/g∙°C and object B specific heat is 0.82 J/g∙°C. Which object will have a higher temperature if the same amount of heat is applied to both objects

Thursday, May 14

Sections 3H: Read and take notes on chapter 16, section 1 of your textbook. Then answer the section review questions #1-5.

Wednesday, May 13

Section 3H: pH packet is due on Friday!!

Sections 4H: Read and take notes on chapter 16, section 1 of your textbook. Then answer the section review questions #1-5.

Sections 4: Read and take notes on chapter 16, section 1 of your textbook. Then answer the section review questions #1-5. 
***pH packet is due on Friday!!***

Tuesday, May 12

Section 3H: Watch and take notes on this video:
pH and pOH

Sections 4 & 4H: Finish your pH packet

Friday, May 8

Section 4H: On your pH packet, complete #5 (all parts) on the front page and #1-10 on the second page.

Section 4: On your pH packet, complete #5 -10 on the front page, #1-5 on the second page and #11, 12 on the third.

Wednesday, May 6

Sections 3H & 4H: Watch and take notes on this video:
Intro to Logs

Section 4: Watch and take notes on this video:
pH and pOH

Sections 4 & 4H: Stop by my office on 3L tomorrow before homeroom to pick up an extra credit opportunity!!

Wednesday, May 5

Section 4H: Complete your lab and the acid base theories worksheet using the notes you took from last week's video and your textbook (chapter 14)

Section 4: Complete the acid base theories worksheet using the notes you took from last week's video and your textbook (chapter 14). Lab can be completed for extra credit!!

Monday, May 4

Section 3H: Complete your lab and the acid base theories worksheet using the notes you took from last week's video and your textbook (chapter 14)