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Monday, May 18

All: Take notes on pages 568 - 570 of your textbook. Then answer these q = mcΔT problems in your notebook:

1) What is the specific heat of a substance that absorbs 2500 joules of heat when a sample of 100 g of the substance increases in temperature from 10 °C to 70°C

2) How many grams of water would require 2200 joules of heat to raise its temperature from 34°C to 100°C? The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g∙C

3) The specific heat of wood is 2.03 J/g∙°C. How much heat is needed to convert 550 g of wood at -15.0°C to 10.0°C?

4) A 55 kg block of metal has an original temperature of 15.0°C and 0.45 J/g∙°C. What will be the final temperature of this metal if 450 J of heat energy are added?

5) Object A specific heat is 2.45 J/g∙°C and object B specific heat is 0.82 J/g∙°C. Which object will have a higher temperature if the same amount of heat is applied to both objects