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Tuesday, June 2

Section 4: Students who did not do the video homework MUST take notes on chapter 21, section 1 and complete the section review problems. You must also complete the worksheet that was given out in class today (can be found under homework documents).
Student who did the video homework only have the worksheet to complete.

Section 4H: Complete the nuclear decay worksheet you got in class.

*NOTE: Test corrections can be submitted for a grade of 64/75 or lower

All: Some information for final prep:

  • Under homework docs you will find some practice multiple choice questions (with answers) and an answer key to the final review packet. 
  • On Friday, I will be in the X-Cafe from 10:30 - 12 and then I will be in 4K3 until at least 3 pm to answer any questions you may have
  • On Monday, I will be in the library from 1:30-4 answering questions 
  • Feel free to email me if you can't make one of these times and would like to make an appointment to see me
Finally, I ask that all of you take a moment to fill out this survey before June 15th. It is anonymous so please answer honestly! Thank You!