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Monday, October 26

Sections 4 & 5: Read this article: Nuclear Fusion and be sure the check out the ITER Tokamak mentioned (here's a link to it). Then, in your notebook, write down two reactions to the article and at least one follow up question you have. 

Extra Credit Opportunity! (Due Thursday)

Watch the video from the link below. Then, answer these questions:

1. Why is element 114 so important? What would it help us to learn about chemistry?

2. Why do you think we skip right over element 113? What makes 114 a more practical goal?

3. What did Glen Seaborg mean by the Sea of Instability?

4. Why didn’t Seaborg’s method work to create elements beyond number 102?

5. What do they mean by “bowling elements”? Which elements did they use in this method and why? 

6. Has element 114 been found since this video was made? If so, by whom? Does it have the properties the video predicted it would have?

**All work must be typed, TNR, 12pt font.**

Island of Stability Video