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Thursday, September 27

All Sections: For next week complete:

-10 testable research topic questions. These should be typed and all viable options for science fair projects. Here's the website we talked about in class:

-Fix any lingering issues with your Adopt an Element and color-coded periodic table. If you created a video, website, or anything else digital, make sure you email me your work by Sunday at 8pm.

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 25th and 26th

All Sections: By Thursday you should have completed the following:

1) Adopt an Element project. Instructions can be found in yesterday's post. Make sure to do the facts sheet AND the advertisement!
          **Note: You DO NOT have to do a paper advertisement. You are welcome to make a video of you as a salesman, make a powerpoint, fliers, prezi presentations, etc. Be creative! 
Really try to sell me your element!
Here's an example video (even though it is funny, notice that it is missing important data like the atomic mass, atomic number, etc):

2) On the back of the periodic table you got in class, define the words below. Each of these words corresponds to a section on the periodic table; use the definitions section as a key, and color each section of the table that corresponds. 
For example, the first column of the periodic table (group 1) is known as alkali metals. Once you've defined it, pick a color and put a small box of that color next to that definition. Then, color in all the alkali metals in that color. To give you some idea of what I mean, on all of the alkali metals are in orange - you should do something similar for each defined word. 

Words to define:
Alkali Metals
Alkaline Earth Metals
Transition Metals
Noble Gases 

3) Study the first 25 elements on the periodic table. If you were given a blank periodic table, you should be able to fill in the names and elemental symbols of the first 25. 

Monday, September 24


You will find the two documents you need under the 'Homework Documents' section. One of them is your assignment, titled Adopt an Element. FOR TONIGHT, YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THE FACTS SHEET (2nd page). The other, is a spreadsheet that has the element that has been assigned to you. You cannot work on any element you'd like, so make sure you find your name and corresponding element.

Friday, September 21

Section 9: Quiz corrections due Monday

Section 10: Read (don't skim, READ) pages 6-14 in your textbook. Then answer questions 1-5 on page 14. 
**For extra credit**: By Tuesday (this due date is for section 10 only), you can read the 'cross-disciplinary connection' section on page 15 and answer the two questions. This should be typed.

Section 11: Complete you labs and quiz corrections

Thursday, September 20

Sections 8, 9 and 11: Read (don't skim, READ) pages 6-14 in your textbook. Then answer questions 1-5 on page 14. Section 8, don't forget, you also have quiz corrections due tomorrow.

**For extra credit**: By Monday, you can read the 'cross-disciplinary connection' section on page 15 and answer the two questions. This should be typed.

Wednesday, September 19

All Sections: Complete the white worksheet handed out in class today (front and back)

Tuesday, September 18

Section 10: Complete the worksheet you picked up at the end of class today

Friday, September 14

All: Remember that my chemistry classes are canceled on Monday. All of your work for the weekend and Monday can be found below. Please use your time wisely and do work that you're proud of.

Section 8: By Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • Sig Fig lab
  • Read pages 44-46 (stop at sig fig section) in you textbook. Use that information to complete your pink worksheet, as well as, #26-28, 35, on 36 on page 60.
  • Complete your green worksheet
Section 9: By Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • Sig Fig lab
  • #2-4 on your pink worksheet (% error)
  • #26-28, 35, on 36 on page 60 of your textbook.
  • Complete your green worksheet
Section 10: By Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • Read pages 44-50 in your textbook. Use what you've read, as well as, your notes from class to complete you yellow AND pink worksheets.
  • In your notebook, complete #24-29, 35, 36 on pages 59-60 in your textbook.
Section 11: Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • #2-4 on your pink worksheet
  • Complete your green worksheet

Thursday, September 13

Sections 8 & 11: Finish your Sig Fig lab

Wednesday, September 12

Section 8: Finish your yellow worksheet

Section 9: Complete #2 and 6 on your yellow sheet. Also, #3 on the green sheet you received in class yesterday (the heading says chapter 2 review).

Section 11: Finish the yellow worksheet - since we didn't get to do a ton of practice problems together in class, I suggest you do your work in pencil so that you can make corrections when we go over the homework tomorrow in class.

**Sections 9-11, don't forget that your article write-up is also due tomorrow!!

Tuesday, September 11

Section 8:
  • Complete the back of the conversion worksheet (white), as well as, finish #1 all parts from the scientific notation/sig dig worksheet (yellow). 
  • Articles write-up is due tomorrow (note that more links have been added to the current events section.
Sections 9 and 10:

  • Complete the back of the conversion worksheet (white).

  • Section 11:
    • Complete the back of the conversion worksheet (white), as well as, finish #1 all parts from the scientific notation/sig dig worksheet (yellow). 

    Monday, September 10

    All Sections: Using the "Current Events" links below, find at least 3 articles that really interest you. Type up a short synopsis of each (make sure to cite the title, author and website). Finally, see if you can find a common thread among the articles you've chosen. At the bottom of your typed summary page, based on your reflection of your chosen articles, write a few sentences about what scientific topics you think might interest you the most. Due Wednesday for Section 8; due Thursday for all other sections.

    Welcome to Chemistry!

    This webpage is going to be your key to success in chemistry. Everything you need, you can find here! You should check the website EVERYDAY! (In fact, bookmark it right now).

    Your first assignment is to find an object in your house that you can measure in three different ways. What the heck does that mean??? Well, think of yourself, for example. You can tell someone how tall you are, how heavy you are, how much space you take up. Even though all of these things are descriptive of you, they would all be measured in very different ways.
    Once you've chosen your object, write in your binder the following information:

    What is it?
    Why did you choose it?
    1st measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.
    2nd measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.
    3rd measurement and what instrument/method you used to obtain it.

    **Make sure to include units and be as accurate as possible!