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Tuesday and Wednesday, September 25th and 26th

All Sections: By Thursday you should have completed the following:

1) Adopt an Element project. Instructions can be found in yesterday's post. Make sure to do the facts sheet AND the advertisement!
          **Note: You DO NOT have to do a paper advertisement. You are welcome to make a video of you as a salesman, make a powerpoint, fliers, prezi presentations, etc. Be creative! 
Really try to sell me your element!
Here's an example video (even though it is funny, notice that it is missing important data like the atomic mass, atomic number, etc):

2) On the back of the periodic table you got in class, define the words below. Each of these words corresponds to a section on the periodic table; use the definitions section as a key, and color each section of the table that corresponds. 
For example, the first column of the periodic table (group 1) is known as alkali metals. Once you've defined it, pick a color and put a small box of that color next to that definition. Then, color in all the alkali metals in that color. To give you some idea of what I mean, on all of the alkali metals are in orange - you should do something similar for each defined word. 

Words to define:
Alkali Metals
Alkaline Earth Metals
Transition Metals
Noble Gases 

3) Study the first 25 elements on the periodic table. If you were given a blank periodic table, you should be able to fill in the names and elemental symbols of the first 25.