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Friday, September 14

All: Remember that my chemistry classes are canceled on Monday. All of your work for the weekend and Monday can be found below. Please use your time wisely and do work that you're proud of.

Section 8: By Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • Sig Fig lab
  • Read pages 44-46 (stop at sig fig section) in you textbook. Use that information to complete your pink worksheet, as well as, #26-28, 35, on 36 on page 60.
  • Complete your green worksheet
Section 9: By Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • Sig Fig lab
  • #2-4 on your pink worksheet (% error)
  • #26-28, 35, on 36 on page 60 of your textbook.
  • Complete your green worksheet
Section 10: By Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • Read pages 44-50 in your textbook. Use what you've read, as well as, your notes from class to complete you yellow AND pink worksheets.
  • In your notebook, complete #24-29, 35, 36 on pages 59-60 in your textbook.
Section 11: Tuesday, you should complete all of the following:
  • #2-4 on your pink worksheet
  • Complete your green worksheet