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Friday, September 13

Section 1: Complete your post-lab questions and don't forget to leave some room to the right of your answers for later amendment.

Section 2: The two videos below will help you rewrite your post-lab answers with the correct number of sig figs.
Video 1 - this is just a review of  how to determine if a number is significant, if you feel you need more time with this concept:
Determining Sig Figs
Video 2 - this video you MUST watch, as it contains the rules for sig figs when calculating a value:
Sig Fig Calculation Rules

Side note - Dang autocorrect! too = two! Though they are almost 'too' great, right?... (Check your email if you want to get this joke)

Section 3: Finish your post-lab questions AND watch and take notes on the video below:
Scientific Notation and Sig Figs

Section 6: Complete your Metric Mania worksheet and the practice problems below (in your notebook):
1. 3.68 kg = __________ g
2. 568 cm = __________ m
3. 8700 ml = __________ l
4. 25 mg = __________ g
5. 0.101 cm = __________ mm
6. 250 ml = __________ l
7. 600 g = __________ kg
8. 8900 mm = __________ m
9. 0.000004 m = __________ mm
10. 0.250 kg = __________ mg
11.  A block of aluminum occupies a volume of 15.0 mL and weighs 40.5 g. What is its density?
12.  Mercury metal is poured into a graduated cylinder that holds exactly 22.5 mL. The mercury used to fill the cylinder weighs 306.0 g. From this information, calculate the density of mercury.
13.  What is the weight of the ethanol that exactly fills a 200.0 mL container?
 The density of ethanol  is 0.789 g/mL.
14. What volume of silver metal will weigh exactly 2500.0 g. The density of silver is 10.5 g/cm3.

Section 7: The two videos below will help you rewrite your post-lab answers with the correct number of sig figs.
Video 1 - this is a review of  how to determine if a number is significant:
Determining Sig Figs
Video 2 - this video you MUST watch, as it contains the rules for sig figs when calculating a value:
Sig Fig Calculation Rules