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Wednesday, September 11

Section 1: Complete your "Metric Mania" worksheet and the following problems in your notebook:
1. 3.68 kg = __________ g
2. 568 cm = __________ m
3. 8700 ml = __________ l
4. 25 mg = __________ g
5. 0.101 cm = __________ mm
6. 250 ml = __________ l
7. 600 g = __________ kg
8. 8900 mm = __________ m
9. 0.000004 m = __________ mm
10. 0.250 kg = __________ mg

Section 2: Complete the "Metric Mania" worksheet you received in class today.

Section 3: Watch the following video and take notes/fill out your worksheet with the corresponding information.

Section 6: The Mythbusters video link is below, watch it and fill out the rest of the corresponding worksheet.
Also, create a measurement system to re-"measure" the item you measured last night but it cannot be based on ANY formal measurement system. Bring your measurement tool and item (if you can) into class tomorrow.

Section 7: Complete the back of your "Metric Mania" worksheet AND your post lab questions 3-10. Don't forget to leave a little bit of space to the right of your post lab questions!