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Monday, March 31

All: Watch and take notes on the following video.
Intro to Acids and Bases

Thursday, March 27

All Sections: Study!!! Look over...
*Solutions vocab (use notes, powerpoint, and phet sim HW)
*Why do ionic compounds dissolve more easily than covalent compounds? (textbook HW)
*Reading a solubility curve
*Calculating molarity
*Dilutions (M1V1 = M2V2)

Cosmos Discussion Group - we will meet to discuss last Sunday's episode at 7:40 tomorrow morning in 3L5. Come prepared with questions and comments relevant to the episode!

Wednesday, March 26

Section 3: Complete both Molarity Worksheets you received in class today.

Section 6: Complete the post lab questions and the dilutions worksheet (M1V1 = M2V2). Answer keys are posted under homework docs.

Tuesday, March 25

Section 1: Complete all Molarity Worksheets you started in class

Section 2: Answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. Water is added to 200. mL of a 2.0 M solution of CaCl2 to increase the volume of the solution to 400. mL.  What is the new concentration?
2. To what volume must 1.0 L of a 6.0 M solution of HCl be diluted in order to prepare a 0.2 M solution?
3. How would you prepare 500 mL of a 0.500 M solution of NaOH from a 2 M stock solution?
4. 60. mL of a 1.0 M solution of H2SO4 is mixed with distilled water to make 1 L of solution.  What is the molarity?
5.  What size volumetric flask would be useful in diluting 100. mL of a 3.0 M solution of sucrose to make a 0.60 M solution?

Section 6: Complete the Molarity Worksheet you received in class

Section 7: 
1) Be prepared for Thursday's lab!
2) Answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. Water is added to 200. mL of a 2.0 M solution of CaCl2 to increase the volume of the solution to 400. mL.  What is the new concentration?
2. To what volume must 1.0 L of a 6.0 M solution of HCl be diluted in order to prepare a 0.2 M solution?
3. How would you prepare 500 mL of a 0.500 M solution of NaOH from a 2 M stock solution?
4. 60. mL of a 1.0 M solution of H2SO4 is mixed with distilled water to make 1 L of solution.  What is the molarity?
5.  What size volumetric flask would be useful in diluting 100. mL of a 3.0 M solution of sucrose to make a 0.60 M solution?

Monday, March 24

Section 1: Complete the Solubility Curve Worksheet you started in class.

Section 2: Complete questions 1-10 on the Molarity Worksheet you received in class.

Section 6: You will complete a worksheet based on a phet simulation on solutions. The link to the sim is here:
The worksheet that goes along with the sim can be found under Homework Docs.

Section 7: Complete the Molarity Worksheet you received in class.

Friday, March 21

Section 1: Redo page two of your phet lab and complete page 3. Remember: Molarity = moles/L!

Section 2: You will complete a worksheet based on a phet simulation on solutions. The link to the sim is here:
The worksheet that goes along with the sim can be found under Homework Docs.

Sections 3 & 6: Complete your solubility curve worksheet

Section 7: Complete the worksheet that goes with the phet sim we started in class. Quest corrections can also be completed for Monday. 

Thursday, March 20

Section 1: You will complete a worksheet based on a phet simulation on solutions. The link to the sim is here:

The worksheet that goes along with the sim can be found under Homework Docs. YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THE FIRST TWO PAGES. Start by just messing around with the sim so you can see how it works. Make sure to look at the information provided about the amount of salt and water on the right hand side. You will need to use the tabs at the top for the second page of the worksheet. Be sure the READ DIRECTIONS carefully throughout the worksheet!

Sections 2 &7: Complete your solubility curve worksheet.

Section 3: Redo page two of your phet lab and complete page 3. Remember: Molarity = moles/L!

Section 6: Complete the note-taker you received in class using the PowerPoint at the bottom of the webpage.

Section 7: For your quest...

Raw Score
Curved Score

Wednesday, March 19

Sections 1, 2 & 7: Read and take notes on page 401-406 in your textbook. Then, answer questions 1-6 on page 406.

Section 3: Here's the link to the phet simulation:

The worksheet that goes along with the sim can be found under Homework Docs. YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THE FIRST TWO PAGES. Start by just messing around with the sim so you can see how it works. Make sure to look at the information provided about the amount of salt and water on the right hand side. You will need to use the tabs at the top for the second page of the worksheet. Be sure the READ DIRECTIONS carefully throughout the worksheet!

Tuesday, March18

Sections 3 & 6: Read and take notes on page 401-406 in your textbook. Then, answer questions 1-6 on page 406.

Friday, March 14

All: Extra Credit Opportunity!!

This Sunday at 9pm on Fox the second episode of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey will air. The first episode is available, in it's entirety on the link below. For extra credit, you can watch both episodes and TYPE a one page (1.5 spaced, 12 pt font) reflection of the two episodes. Your reflection should include:

  • A general summary of both episodes 
  • Content you found interesting vs content you found confusing or boring
  • Questions you have about what you saw (if applicable) 
  • Questions you have about the universe after watching the show
Furthermore, if you continue to watch the entire season, I will host periodic, brief discussion groups to converse about the content of the episodes. This will be a further grade boost, for those who attend the majority of the meetings.

COSMOS Full Episodes

Enjoy your long weekend and happy St. Patrick's Day from one of the fathers of modern Irish scientist...a rock star...a gas law creator...we know him...we love him... (drumroll....) 

Thursday, March 13

All Sections: Finish your worksheets and study them! Answer keys and PPT are posted as well.

Wednesday, March 12

Sections 1, 2, 3 & 6: Complete your gas laws packet

Section 7: Complete the packet we started in class today

Tuesday, March 11

Sections 1, 2 & 3: In the packet you picked up at the end of class, complete the following problems:
1-14, 19-25, 27, 28 & 28. You will need to use the gas law equations to solve many of these!

Sections 6 & 7: Watch and take notes on these videos:
Gas Laws Part 1
Gas Laws Part 2

Friday, March 7

Sections 1, 2 & 3: Complete your crush the can questions. Then, watch these videos:
Gas Laws Part 1
Gas Laws Part 2

Section 7: Now that you've read about how a barometer works, tonight, you will design your own! Here's what you need to do:

On a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Explain how a barometer works, in your own words (only a few sentences required)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For extra credit - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Thursday, March 6

Section 3: Now that you've read about how a barometer works, tonight, you will design your own! Here's what you need to do:

On a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Explain how a barometer works, in your own words (only a few sentences required)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For extra credit - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Section 6: Answer your crush the can questions.

All: Do not forget - Background research and new experimental design are due tomorrow! I need one hard copy per group.

Wednesday, March 5

Sections 1, 2 & 6: Now that you've read about how a barometer works, tonight, you will design your own! Here's what you need to do:

On a piece of loose leaf, do the following:
1) Explain how a barometer works, in your own words (only a few sentences required)
2) List materials you would use from around the house to create your own barometer
3) Draw a sketch of your barometer being sure to label all of the materials
4) Describe the aspects of your set up that your think will work well and those that could be improved. Make sure to include explanations of these inferences!
5) For extra credit - build it! You can take a picture of it OR bring it in!

Sections 3 & 7: Complete your lab (post lab questions on the back page). Everyone is handing in a lab, not just one per group.
Remember, for your graph:
*There should be two lines on your graph - one for your heating data and one for your cooling
*You will get the best results if you orient your paper in the landscape direction
*Label (include units)!

Tuesday, March 4

Section 2: Read pages 360-367 in your textbook and answer questions 1-8 (in your notebook).

Sections 1 & 6: Work on your research! Also, you may do quiz corrections, if needed.

Section 7: NEATLY complete your phase change diagram worksheet. Also,  read pages 360-367 in your textbook and answer questions 1-8 (in your notebook). You can find the lab manual under the homework docs section. The set up image is below. BE READY!

Monday, March 3

Sections 2 & 7: Complete the worksheet under homework documents.

Section 1, 3, 6: Complete the worksheet from class today. Also, read pages 360-367 in your textbook and answer questions 1-8.