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Friday, March 14

All: Extra Credit Opportunity!!

This Sunday at 9pm on Fox the second episode of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey will air. The first episode is available, in it's entirety on the link below. For extra credit, you can watch both episodes and TYPE a one page (1.5 spaced, 12 pt font) reflection of the two episodes. Your reflection should include:

  • A general summary of both episodes 
  • Content you found interesting vs content you found confusing or boring
  • Questions you have about what you saw (if applicable) 
  • Questions you have about the universe after watching the show
Furthermore, if you continue to watch the entire season, I will host periodic, brief discussion groups to converse about the content of the episodes. This will be a further grade boost, for those who attend the majority of the meetings.

COSMOS Full Episodes

Enjoy your long weekend and happy St. Patrick's Day from one of the fathers of modern Irish scientist...a rock star...a gas law creator...we know him...we love him... (drumroll....)