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Tuesday, March 25

Section 1: Complete all Molarity Worksheets you started in class

Section 2: Answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. Water is added to 200. mL of a 2.0 M solution of CaCl2 to increase the volume of the solution to 400. mL.  What is the new concentration?
2. To what volume must 1.0 L of a 6.0 M solution of HCl be diluted in order to prepare a 0.2 M solution?
3. How would you prepare 500 mL of a 0.500 M solution of NaOH from a 2 M stock solution?
4. 60. mL of a 1.0 M solution of H2SO4 is mixed with distilled water to make 1 L of solution.  What is the molarity?
5.  What size volumetric flask would be useful in diluting 100. mL of a 3.0 M solution of sucrose to make a 0.60 M solution?

Section 6: Complete the Molarity Worksheet you received in class

Section 7: 
1) Be prepared for Thursday's lab!
2) Answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. Water is added to 200. mL of a 2.0 M solution of CaCl2 to increase the volume of the solution to 400. mL.  What is the new concentration?
2. To what volume must 1.0 L of a 6.0 M solution of HCl be diluted in order to prepare a 0.2 M solution?
3. How would you prepare 500 mL of a 0.500 M solution of NaOH from a 2 M stock solution?
4. 60. mL of a 1.0 M solution of H2SO4 is mixed with distilled water to make 1 L of solution.  What is the molarity?
5.  What size volumetric flask would be useful in diluting 100. mL of a 3.0 M solution of sucrose to make a 0.60 M solution?